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6 Creative Writing Tips + 12 Writing Ideas

Creative Writing Tips + 12 Bonus Writing Prompts for Student Writers — Though creative writing might seem like a vague, nebulous term that encompasses a wide range of work, it is also an outlet for emotion and a way for writers to pass along the truths they’ve learned to others. Authors become more aware of their own thoughts and identities through the process of creative writing, as it fosters imagination, expression, and analysis.

Creative Writing Ideas and Tips for Kids

For students, creative writing is a powerful way to explore their own thoughts in a safe space.

Parents, teachers, and adults who encourage students to write creatively are often surprised by the impact writing can have on a child’s life. Even if your student doesn’t grow up to write the next great American novel, he or she will have learned how to express ideas in a clear and creative way. These important skills can be applied to any aspect of a child’s life.

6 Creative Writing Tips

Share these six creative writing tips with your students to help them get started. Though it might be hard initially to switch from academic writing to creative writing, these practices can help students fall in love with writing as a mode of artistic expression.

Creative Writing Tip #1. Write about anything and everything

No topics are off-limits in creative writing, so encourage your students to write about anything and everything. Ask students to carry around small notebooks for several days and to write down interesting things they hear and see. These observations and ideas can later be transformed into short stories, poems, or personal reflections. The notebook also provides great resource material when a student feels like he or she has developed writer’s block. Help students see that any mundane event has the potential to become an interesting story if it is told in a creative way.

Tip #2. Set small goals

Students are often intimidated by the idea of creative writing, as they feel pressured to write something long or a complete work. Instead, have them begin by writing a series of short pieces. Poems, song lyrics, and short stories are a great way to get creative juices flowing. As students begin to accomplish several of these smaller goals, they’ll feel inspired to continue writing and to eventually tackle larger projects.

Tip #3. Write regularly

Like many things, creative writing requires regular practice to master. Students will feel more comfortable writing when they’ve gotten into the habit of doing it each day. Have your students write at different times of the day to figure out when they feel the most creative. Some students will do better in the morning when their minds are fresh, while others might feel more inspired after spending time with others throughout the day. After you’ve figured out when your students do their best writing, allow them to work at the same time each day. A consistent workout for their creative muscles helps them to sharpen their skills over time.

Tip #4. Write first, edit later

Many students have trouble getting into a creative flow because they worry about the quality of their writing. Encourage them to write first and edit later. Editing while writing disrupts the flow of creativity and causes students to lose important thoughts. Initially, the most important thing is simply to put the words on the page. After students have written, they can go back and refine their work.

Tip #5. Focus on the feelings

Because creative writing is all about expression, it’s important for students to focus on making their readers feel something. Creative writing does many things, but it should (hopefully!) invoke some powerful emotions and reactions from readers. While this might be a lofty goal to tackle up front, it’s an important destination to guide your students toward.

One suggestion is to go through the writing together and pick out the parts where descriptive words and potent verbs powerfully demonstrate to the reader what’s happening in the story. Then repeat the process again, this time with the intention to improve on those areas where descriptive words and potent verbs are missing. Doing so will undoubtedly improve a student’s writing ability to evoke emotion from their readers.

Tip #6. Enjoy your writing

Finally, make sure that students enjoy the process of creative writing! While the process might sometimes require commitment and deep thought, creative writing can be an immensely valuable and rewarding activity. If students feel pressured to create, it might be time to step back and work on something smaller. Ultimately, creative writing should be an opportunity to let loose and indulge in possibility!

12 Creative Writing Prompt Ideas

As you implement the previous tips on creative writing, give students a chance to put what they learn into practice. Here are some creative writing prompt ideas to get their minds going!

  1. Create a story about a boy who had a secret superpower, describing what that superpower would be.
  2. Write a short poem about a time in your life that you felt very happy and why you felt happy.
  3. You have the power to be invisible. Write a story about a day in your life and how you use your new power.
  4. Imagine you have a time machine. What year would you travel to? Write about that journey.
  5. Write about a day with your favorite fictional character from a movie or book.
  6. Look around you and write about the sounds you hear, what you smell, and what you see, describing what you notice creatively.
    Creative Writing Prompts and Writing Tips for Kids
  7. Write a poem about your favorite person.
  8. Imagine it’s raining food from the sky. Write a story about what happens.
  9. If you traveled to space, what would you see? Write a short story using descriptive language describing everything you see in space.
  10. Take your favorite fairy tale and rewrite the ending of it for a new outcome.
  11. Write about a day when you get the chance to do anything you want all day. What would you do and why?
  12. Take the words “pizza,” “detective” and “saxophone,” and write a short story using these words.

Until next time, write on…

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Kids Creative Writing Tips and Writing Prompts
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