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30 Great Mental Health Topics to Write About

30 Mental health topics to write about— Each year, Mental Health Awareness month is in May and Mental Health Awareness Week is the first full week of October. These two essential campaigns seek to raise awareness and educate the public on mental health. And now, you can…

Mental Health Awareness Writing Ideas for Kids

Use our mental health topics to write about with your students and writers. By doing so, you’ll help to educate and empower them to handle issues and promote emotional health.

You see…

With estimates that show that about 1 in 4 Americans could be diagnosed with a mental illness in any given year, it’s more important than ever before for people to be aware of these issues.

The gravity of this statistic is precisely why we created this list of mental health awareness writing topics and prompts.

Toward Good Mental Health


Our mental health awareness writing prompts and mental health topics to write about seek to educate students about mental health issues and mental health challenges. We do so by covering such topics of what they look like, what dangers they may cause, and what to do if one feel like they are struggling themselves. 

Students and writers of all ages will consider questions such as—

  • “What would you do if a friend told you they were going to hurt themselves?”
  • “Why is self-care an important part of one’s wellbeing?” and many, many more ideas along these lines.

Indeed, by reflecting on these mental health topics to write about, students will gain a deeper understanding of how to recognize when someone needs help—and what to do if they ever feel like their own mental health is suffering.

Ok, let’s get to those writing topics.

30 Mental Health Topics to Write About

These ideas may be used for essays, papers, daily journaling, or general wellness and selfcare for the young people in your life.

  1. Do you ever struggle with your own mental health? How does that make you feel?
  2. Do you know people who talk openly about their mental health? How does this impact you?
  3. Why is there such a stigma around these types of mental health problems? Do you think there is a lot of stigma around them?
  4. People do lots of things to improve their physical wellness—but less to take care of their mental health. Why do you think this is?
  5. People see doctors for their bodies with no shame. Should they be embarrassed to see a doctor for their minds?  Why or why not?
  6. What are some signs that someone may be struggling with their mental health?
  7. What would you do if you suspected a friend was depressed?
  8. What would you do if a friend told you they were going to hurt themselves?
  9. Why do people say that suicide is “a permanent solution to a temporary problem”? What does this mean?
  10. Are non-lethal forms of self-harm dangerous? Why?
  11. Why are some groups of people at a higher risk of problems like depression?
  12. Why is it important for people to prioritize their mental care and wellness?
  13. What is one thing you could do on a regular basis that would be good for your mental health care?
  14. Why is telling a depressed person to “just try to be happy” equivalent to telling someone with a broken leg to “just try to walk”?
  15. Why is it beneficial for people with mental health issues to hear from others who experience the same things?

    Mental health topics to write about

  16. How can you best support someone who is struggling with his or her mental health?
  17. Who could you turn to if you were struggling with your own mental wellness?
  18. Would you ever consider seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist? Why or why not?
  19. Could therapy be beneficial for people who do not have issues with their mental state and health? Why or why not?
  20. How could our school better support students who struggle with their mental health?
  21. What does it mean for someone to have a “safe space”? How could this be beneficial to a person’s well-being?
  22. Some illnesses simply occur (some say due to genes), while others are triggered by an event. Should these be differentiated? Why or why not?
  23. Do memes and jokes about mental health mock people who are struggling or serve to de-stigmatize these forms of illness? Why?
  24. Why is self-care an important part of one’s overall wellness and health?
  25. Has anyone ever talked to you about mental well-being? What did you learn?
  26. Do you know how to ask for help if you were ever to need it? What would you do?
  27. Should people with documented mental issues be prohibited from certain activities, such as driving a car or owning a gun? Why or why not?
  28. What are three things you could do to provide a safe place for people in your life who may need it?
  29. What are some reasons people might be afraid to ask for help with their mental illness?
  30. Do you think your mental health is connected to your physical health? Why or why not? 

I hope you found these mental health topics to write about helpful.

In Support of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

A wise counselor suggested that an effective way to manage, diminish, overcome, or possibly cure some mental disorders, issues, and illnesses is to take some time away from social media, video games, and other modern distractions…

And, instead, use that time to… Practice health journaling.


This form of writing may build up one’s resilience, improve moods, and move beyond trauma, divorce, or other issues that affect kids, teenagers, college students, and adults.

Potential Benefits of Journaling for Improved Mental Health

Writing thoughts out on paper can be very therapeutic and people of all ages would do well to learn to examine and deal with their thoughts to encourage optimal wellbeing as they become adults.

In fact, journaling is proven to improve mental help and reduce stress, offering a healthy coping mechanism.

However, whether kids are trying to write about their thoughts or feelings, it’s often difficult for them to know where to begin. How do they start digging into their feelings and thoughts with health journaling?

To make things a bit easier, give students the list of mental health topics to write about shown above and share the health journal prompts below.


We’ve put together some excellent journaling prompts that students can use to become more skilled at expressing their thoughts and feelings while improving their writing skills.

Take a look now at these…

Health Journaling Ideas

  1. What are some positive ways you can deal with feeling sad?
  2. Write about something you did that made you feel afraid. Once you did it, how did you feel?
  3. How do you feel when someone recognizes your achievements?
  4. Write about the greatest feeling you’ve ever experienced.
  5. What things in life make you feel happiest?
  6. Do you think happiness is a feeling or a choice?
  7. What do you think are your best strengths?
  8. What do you think are your greatest weaknesses? Can you do anything about them?
  9. How can you turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts?
  10. Do you think positive thinking makes a difference?

See the full list here—> 60 health and wellness journaling ideas

And now for…

More Writing Resources for You

While we think our list of mental health topics to write about above is excellent, we also think you may find these ideas helpful.

Ok, that’s all for today.

Until next time, write on…

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creator and curator

Mental Health Awareness Journal Prompts for Students

More Mental Wellness Writing Resources

Check out these wonderful writing resources to further support one’s wellness and well-being:

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