Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids— Middle school is a confusing time for many kids, as your students find themselves caught on the line between childhood and the teenage years. Fortunately, you can ease their transition by giving them the tools they need to reflect on their changing lives and improve their self-esteem.

We believe journaling is one of the most effective ways for middle school students to express their thoughts and feelings. As your class considers tough questions like why some people take advantage of others and why prejudice continues to exist in today’s society, they’ll have the chance to form new opinions and ways of looking at the world. Even as they tackle more light-hearted topics like describing their weekend plans and the importance of good manners, kids will get better at articulating their ideas.
Through regular journal writing, your students will ultimately get to know themselves better, learn to solve problems more effectively, and become more adept at communicating their positions. These important skills will serve them well into adulthood—and it’s never too early for kids to start practicing.
Use these 73 fun writing prompts for kids to get your students writing… and then be sure to check out Parts 2 and 3 (links are below this prompt list) to keep the journaling party going!
Writing Prompts for Kids
- If all my wishes came true, I would…
- Why is it important to be honest?
- Why is it important to have good manners?
- Why do you think adults smoke/drink?
- Why is exercise important to someone your age?
- Why do you think some people encourage others to smoke/drink?
- Why do you think the rules you must follow are good or bad?
- Why would it be good to be honest?
- Why have men and women usually only done certain types of work?
- Why should or shouldn’t a man stay home to care for the house and children while his wife goes to work?
- Why do you think some people take advantage of others?
- Why do you think prejudice exists in the world?
- Why would we say that someone is “passing the buck”?
- What does it mean that “The buck stops here”?
- What quality do you think is the most important and why?
- Why is it not wise to squander your money?
- The book I most enjoyed reading over the summer was __________ because…
- I love my name because __________
- Over the weekend, I will…
- I would really like to get to know __________ better because…
- My favorite food is __________ and I do not like __________ because __________.
- I have __________ people in my family. Tell me about each person.
- My favorite color is __________. List all the things that are that color.
- If I could go to the movies over the weekend, I would see _________ because I heard…
- The one thing I remember about last year was…
- I wish I could…
- Our classroom is special because…
- When I grow up, I want to be…
- Describe everything you love about fall.
- My best friend is _________ because…
- List some of your favorite animals. Tell me what you know about each one.
- Tell me one thing you would like me to know about you and why.
- How can we make our classroom special?
- What are your plans for the weekend?
- I am most proud of __________. Tell me why.
- I wish that I could…
- I make friends by…
- What would you do if you saw someone left out of a game on purpose?
- This really puts me in a bad mood…
- This weekend I have to…
- List 10 things you plan to do this summer.
- Write an acrostic poem called Summer Fun.
- It’s raining candy!
- Write about this and all the fun you’ll have.
- My vacation to __________ (make up a place and tell me about it).
- Monkeys can be…
- Off went the rocket to…
- I will always remember…
- If I were the warm summer breeze, I’d…
- I am happy when…
- If I could change one thing, it would be…
- I wish I had a million… Then I would…
- I wish I had one… because…
- I wish I could be like __________. This person is special because…
- I wish I could learn… because…
- I wish I didn’t have to eat __________. I don’t like this food because…
- I wish everyone would learn to… Then everyone would…
- I wish I never…
- I wish I had one more chance to… Then I would…
- I wish there was an electric…
- I wish I had enough money to…
- I wish everyone loved…
- I wish all children would…
- I wish everyone had…
- I wish I could touch…
- I wish animals could… If they could, then…
- I wish I looked like… because…
- I wish there were no more…
- I wish I didn’t have to…
- I wish I could go to…
- I wish there really was… If there really was, then…
- I wish I could hear…
- I wish I could give…
Middle school students are in a unique stage of life. They are more mature than they were in elementary school, which means that they can engage in more in-depth discussions in the classroom and contribute their own ideas and opinions. At the same time, they are still young enough to be eager and excited about learning. They have not quite reached that agitated teenage phase where they are too cool for school. Use these writing prompts for kids to get your middle schoolers journaling today!
More Middle School Prompts
- 100 Writing Prompts for Middle School Fun
- 71 Prompts for Middle School Kids (3/3)
- 48 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids
Until next time, write on…
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