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17 Research Topics for Elementary Students

Little Learners, Big Ideas: 17 Inspiring Research Topics— Say what? Research topics for elementary students? Yeppers! Keep on reading to learn more. I know you’ll be glad you did.

Research Topics for Elementary Students

You see…

Research sounds like a tall order for elementary school students — but the skills that are required to research a topic and begin to understand it better are critical to reading comprehension and overall student achievement.


By incorporating research projects into your instruction, you can help the students in your elementary classroom begin to develop the critical thinking and analytical skills required in middle school, high school, and beyond.

Essentially, you are helping them build the foundation they will rely on throughout the rest of their educational careers, including their higher education experience.


You may be working with little learners, but they have some big ideas. This list of research units and research topics for elementary students will inspire your kids to start digging deeper while improving their writing skills.

Let’s get to it!

17 Research Topics for Elementary Students

  1. Hurricanes are becoming stronger, and are occurring more frequently. Why is this happening?
  2. There are eight planets in our solar system, but if you ask your parents, they might tell you that there are nine. Whatever happened to Pluto?
  3. Habitats are defined as the natural environment of a particular species. Research your favorite animal, and write about its habitat. Is its habitat in jeopardy?
  4. Write a research paper about the achievements of three of the most famous scientists, and how their findings impact our world today.
  5. Learning disabilities impact many students — including possibly yourself or some of your classmates. Choose a learning disability and write a research paper about it.
  6. Online learning has become more common over the last several years. Research the types of online learning tools and write about how they are effective.
  7. Elementary education is about so much more than learning to read and write. Explore the role of mental health and emotional learning in today’s classrooms. Include information about your favorite social and emotional learning lessons.
    Research Prompt Ideas for Elementary Students
  8. Scientists state that extreme weather is the result of climate change. Choose one type of extreme weather, such as tornadoes or earthquakes, and write about how these weather events are impacting our world today.
  9. Write a thesis statement about your favorite type of insect. Then, write an essay that utilizes your thesis statement.
  10. You probably spent some time learning about dinosaurs as part of your early childhood education experience. Now, you have a chance to write about them. Choose your favorite dinosaur and research where and when it lived as well as what its habitat was like and what it ate to survive.
  11. The experts always say that literacy is the key to academic success. Choose an author that you love, and write a research paper about their life and the work that they did.
  12. Of all the elementary education research projects available, the most popular is probably the planets and the solar system. But instead of the planets, let’s research the stars. Choose a constellation and complete research in order to learn more about why it got its name, where it is located in the sky, and when it is typically visible.
  13. Physical education is an important part of your elementary learning experience. Research the benefits of physical education and write about how it can impact academic achievement.
  14. One of the most interesting education research topics is history. Who is your favorite U.S. President? Research the life of that president and create a bulletin board outlining the most important events in their administration.
  15. Consider your own personal background and history, and complete a research project about a country that is meaningful to you. You should collect information about the country’s history, the natural disasters that occur there, the population who lives there and the cultures and traditions that are important in that country.
  16. Social media use is becoming more common, not only among high school students and college students, but also in the elementary setting. Research the impact of social media use on child development, and write an opinion essay about social media.
  17. Inclusive education is a hot topic in today’s classrooms. Research what it means to provide an inclusive education for all students, including those with special needs or learning disabilities. Why do you think it’s important to include all of your classmates?

Wow! Those are some great research topics for elementary students, don’t you agree?

Now check out this list of…

89 More Free Writing Prompts & Resources

A Few Closing Thoughts on Research Topics for Elementary Students

This list of research topics is just a starting point. You can build on these ideas or create your own to improve student learning and increase student engagement in your early years classroom. 

Critical thinking skills play a vital role in early childhood development, making research a critical part of the elementary learning experience. In addition to helping with overall student success, these projects will ensure that your students always feel driven to keep on writing!

Until next time…

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Elementary Research Topics

PS Check out this Steps to Writing a Research Paper printable!

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