Diary for Boys: A Mom’s Review—
Here is what Hayley, author of the fabulous blog Hanging Off the Wire has to say about Journal Buddies for boys:
I love this journal, and want one for adults! I am so excited for my boys to begin this journal. Basically, there are no rules, you can do anything you want with this journal. There are entries for your friends/family to share their thoughts with you, and entries for you to write things, and even creative space to draw, write, color, whatever. I love how this journal is laid out, and how the prompts and “instructions” are written.
The author – Jill Schoenberg – writes like she is talking to you (or rather, to your child), and that is so cool. These journals, one for boys and one for girls, really help your child discover things about themselves, and learn how amazing they truly are! The journals are laid out for a month, but you can take as long as you want to finish it. I do wish they were a bit longer….but then again, a child’s attention span is not that long. I think this is a great tool for your child to learn about himself/herself in a positive and fun way!
Thanks for your fabulous and honest review, Hayley!!!
Until next time, journal on…
Jill Schoenberg is the author of the award winning books Journal Buddies: A Girl’s Journal for Sharing and Celebrating Magnificence and Journal Buddies: A Boys Journal for Discovering and Sharing Excellence, available from Amazon.com.