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52 Equality and Gender Identity Journal Prompts

33 Gender Equality Writing Ideas + 19 brand new Gender Identity Journal Prompts— Yes. You have discovered a wonderful resource of writing ideas about gender identity and equality journaling prompts. You see…

Gender Equality Writing Starters for Kids

These ideas may be used for journal keeping, assigned as homework, used to craft an essay, or in any variety of ways you see fit.

Indeed. This is an intro to a variety of exercises that can be used to explore and understand the role that gender plays in today’s world.


Take a look now and enjoy!

Gender Roles and Gender Equity

In a world where even seemingly gender-neutral toys like building blocks and sports equipment are divided and sold in separate bold blue and soft pink versions, it’s increasingly difficult for parents and teachers to help kids learn about gender equality and the harms of gender norms.  

Kids are taught from an extremely early age that some things are “just for girls” or “just for boys”—and it can be quite the challenge to erase these deeply ingrained messages as kids age.

As a result of your biological gender predisposition, you may even have a hard time overcoming some of this messaging. It’s important that we all take time to understand the role that gender-based messaging can play in today’s modern world.

While it’s tough to undo years of conscious and unconscious gender stereotyping, an effective way to help kids break down these beliefs is through the use of journal prompts.  

A Few Words on Journal Prompts, Writing, and Gender

Journal prompts have become an invaluable resource for young people, particularly as they take on a wide-ranging exploration of gender identity.

As kids write about the existence and current state of gender equality in today’s world, they’ll have the opportunity to assess for themselves what it really means for women and girls to be equal to men and boys.  

These thought-provoking journal entries will help them develop a better understanding not only of themselves, but of the common identities that people associate with around the world.

They’ll also consider important topics relating to gender equality in their own lives—such as what happens when they see a friend breaking a gender norm and what challenges both genders face in today’s world.

Ok, get to it and…

Use these journal prompts to help students dig a little deeper into their belief systems and learn to promote and question the presence of gender equality in today’s world.

33 Gender Equality Journaling Writing Prompts for Students

  1. Why is gender equality important?
  2. What does gender equality mean?
  3. Do you think that gender equality exists in our country? What about across the world? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think gender equality exists in our school? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever felt like you couldn’t do something you wanted to do because of your gender? What made you feel that way? Write about your experience.
  6. Are some things only “for girls” and some things only “for boys”? Why or why not?
  7. Why do you think our society decides that some things are just “for girls” or “for boys”? How do people choose which things are which?
  8. What does it mean when a girl or boy decides to break the norm and does something that is only intended for the other gender?
  9. Have you ever done something that was outside of the norm for your gender? Why did you do it? How did it make you feel?
  10. Do you think that some things should be reserved for one gender or the other? Why or why not?
  11. Write about the first time that you learned something was “for girls” or “for boys.” How did someone telling you that make you feel?
  12. Have you ever done something just because you felt like you should since it was “what girls like” or “what boys like”? Why or why not?
  13. Do you think it is harmful to kids to teach them that something is only for girls or only for boys? Why or why not?
  14. How much do you and your friends adhere to gender norms? What would happen if one of you broke a big norm (such as a boy wearing a dress or a girl getting a buzz-cut)?
  15. Do people who break gender norms get treated differently from people who adhere to them? Why or why not?
  16. What would the world look like if there were true gender equality? How would that differ from today’s world?
  17. How do gender norms contribute to gender inequality? Give an example and explain.
  18. Historically, some cultures in the world operated as matriarchies. Do you think a matriarchal society would be better than a patriarchal society? Why or why not?
  19. Give an example of a group or person who works to create gender equality. Explain what this person or group does and what you admire about them.
  20. What is one simple thing our government could do to promote gender equality? Describe your idea and explain how it would work.
    Writing Prompts and Ideas on Gender Equality
  21. How does gender inequality in the workplace contribute to gender inequality at home? Give an example and explain.
  22. How does gender inequality at home contribute to gender inequality in the workplace? Give an example and explain.
  23. Give an example of gender equality that you’ve witnessed and explain how it impacted your life.
  24. If you could do any one thing to promote gender equality, what would you do? Why?
  25. When do you think true gender equality will exist in America? What will need to happen before we can get there?  
  26. Why does gender inequality exist?
  27. Have you ever met someone who truly believed that one gender was less capable of doing something than the other gender? How do you think this person came to their beliefs?
  28. What would you say to a person who believed that one gender was less capable of doing a particular job in order to change that person’s mind?
  29. What is the hardest part of being a girl or a woman in a society without gender equality? Why?
  30. What is the hardest part of being a boy or a man in a society without gender equality? Why?
  31. If you could do any one thing that is traditionally considered to be for the opposite gender, what would you do? Why?
  32. Is gender something that people are born with or is it something only created and assigned by society? Why?
  33. Write about someone you admire who breaks gender norms. What norm does this person break?  Do you think it is hard for them to do so?  Why do you admire them?

I hope you enjoyed these prompts and find they help students explore how to end gender discrimination and extend equal rights to all.

Now let’s explore how you can…

Encourage Students to Explore Even More about Gender Through Writing

In today’s increasingly aware world, gender is being considered and explored in different ways than it was even just a few years ago.

Students of all ages are becoming aware that there are fewer limits on the concept of gender, with an increasing number of young people identify as non-binary. Non-binary youth identify as individuals who do not adhere to the traditional belief that gender is divided into two distinct subcategories of male and female.


As young people begin to understand their own gender identity during their journey of self-discovery, they will appreciate having an opportunity to explore their experiences through writing.

By giving students an opportunity for self-reflection in a gender identity journal, you can offer them an outlet for their emotions and experiences.

The process of understanding gender identity and realizing that an individual’s identity may not conform to traditional social norms can be an overwhelming experience, and so often in life, writing can become a valuable tool.

These journal prompts range from topics of gender identity to simple opportunities for mindfulness meditations and positive affirmations.

Use these gender identity journal prompts to help provide students with compassionate guidance on their journey of constant exploration.

19 Powerful Gender Identity Journal Prompts

  1. This time in your life can be a sensitive time. Take a moment to write down some thoughts and feelings you have had as you have begun to understand your gender identity.
  2. What does the term gender spectrum mean to you? 
  3. Privacy is incredibly important for adolescents, who are beginning to understand themselves in a new way. Where are some of your favorite places to go for peace and privacy? How do you feel when you have these quiet moments alone?
  4. Adults are constantly saying that resilience is a natural part of childhood and growing up. Do you feel that you are resilient? Does resiliency have its limits? Write about a time when you felt like you were able to bounce back after a difficult situation. Then, write about a time when resilience was more difficult.
  5. Self-care measures can be incredibly helpful when you are in the middle of your exploration. What do you like to do for self-care? Why do you feel self-care measures are important?
  6. The terminology that is used when discussing gender identity is incredibly important. Write a little bit about common terminology used today, such as genderqueer or gender fluid. What do these phrases mean to you? Why do words matter when it comes to gender identity?
  7. As you grow, you will begin to have a better understanding of your gender identity. What are your thoughts and feelings on your gender identity right now? 
  8. Inspirational quotes can be used as motivating during your journey. Write down own inspirational quote that you connect with. Why do these words resonate with you? 
  9. Sometimes, the conscious realization of your gender identity can be met with feelings of guilt or fear of rejection. Why do you think this is? Have you ever experienced feelings of guilt or fear of rejection related to your gender identity? 
  10. Describe the cultural expectations that you have experienced related to gender identity. Do you agree or disagree with those expectations?
  11. Imagine that one of your classmates shared personal information with you regarding their gender identity or sexuality. How would you react? How could you become a valuable resource for them on their journey? 
  12. Why do you feel it is important that young people begin their gender identity journey on their own terms? What role do you feel therapists and other professionals in similar occupations can play on these journeys of self-discovery?
  13. In your opinion, what is the best way for people to gain a deeper understanding of their gender identity?
  14. Maybe you have formed your own well-laid map of self-discovery. What does that map look like? How could that blueprint change over time? 
  15. Sometimes, a workbook can help you during your period of self-examination. Katie Leikam’s gender identity journal, for instance, offers excellent suggestions and structured prompts for individuals who are exploring their gender identity. What are a few must-have tools that you have relied on during your journey of self-discovery?
  16. What are some common examples of gender behavior that can be misinterpreted by the general public? 
  17. Describe what you think it might feel like to begin the lesser traversed journey as a non-binary youth. How can you become an advocate for non-binary people?
  18. Your present experiences will play a significant impact on your future roles and responsibilities. What are some experiences that you are going through right now? How do you think they might shape you?
  19. Sometimes, the journey is more important than any of the destinations that you may reach. What insight have you gained so far on your own journey of self-discovery?

A Few Final Words About Gender Equality Writing

This list of topics may be used in a variety of ways in your classroom and with your students. Perhaps your students will write a gender equality essay. (If these ideas aren’t enough to inspire your writers, here are 20 Argumentative Essay: “Gender Equality/Inequality” – 20 Topics to explore.)


Maybe your writers will craft a profound piece about equal opportunities in modern times for female, male, non-binary, and people of all gender identities.

However these topics and ideas are used with your students, I suggest you give full decision-making powers to your writers to decide what topic most inspires them — to explore in-depth — what gender identity and/or gender equality means to them.

From Human Rights to Women’s Rights and beyond, the time has come for gender bias to end and for gender parity to prevail. In addition to helping your students develop a better understanding of gender identity and gender roles, you too can broaden your horizon through online courses. Many of these courses are taught by gender therapists or LCSWs with years of experience, giving you the confidence you need to know you are gaining valuable information and insight that you can pass on to your students.

Now get to it and use these ideas today. I think you’ll be glad you did.

Until next time, write on…

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