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78 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids (Part 1/3)

Welcome To The Wonderful World of Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids (Part 1/3) Journal writing is our very favorite activity and we hope it’s a favorite of yours, too. Our love for writing is so big that we decided to create a three-part series of journal prompts for middle school kids. 

Writing Prompts for Middle School

It’s very exciting in this wonderful world of journal writing prompts.

You see…

Our list of 78 wonderful writing ideas was created especially for your middle schoolers to use and enjoy!

Inspire & Connect Your Students with Writing Prompt Ideas


When you utilize writing prompts that are specifically designed for this age group, you will find that your students relate better to their work and feel more comfortable building upon an idea.

Writing in a journal is a wonderful activity for students. See these fabulous benefits of it. Fabulously, journaling allows students to:

  • Feel more connected to their classroom,
  • Express themselves in an authentic way, and
  • Continue to develop their writing skills


Those are truly some fabulous benefits of class journaling with your students. (We expand on more benefits of journal writing a little later on in this blog post.)

Quick Writing Advice for Students

Our best writing advice for your students:

Enjoy and write your heart out in your journal.  But most of all… have loads of fun on your journal writing adventure.

So get to it and use these middle school journal prompts to encourage your students to think creatively and to stretch their imaginations.

78 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids (Part 1)

  1. I am very proud because…
  2. If I were President, I would…
  3. Why is the president so important?
  4. I am afraid to…
  5. Name one thing you do really well.
  6. What is your favorite room in your home and why?
  7. Describe what it means to be a good neighbor.
  8. What is your favorite time of day?
  9. Describe your best day ever.
  10. How do you deal with people who bug you?
  11. What excites you?
  12. Describe your favorite hobby.
  13. What is your favorite quote by a famous person?
  14. What is your favorite song and why?
  15. Climbing trees is…
  16. I wish trees could… because…
  17. I want to be a ________ when I grow up. Then I will…
  18. I wish there were a law that said…
  19. I wish I could forget the time I … because…
  20. I wish I could do.. because…
  21. Older people are…
  22. Younger people are…
  23. The perfect place in the whole wide world is…
    Creative Writing Ideas for Middle School Students
  24. What makes you feel sad?
  25. What can you do to help you feel better when you’re feeling blue?
  26. Name your favorite book and why it is your favorite.
  27. Walking in the rain is…
  28. I am proud of myself because…
  29. What I know about rabbits is that…
  30. If I were an Easter egg…
  31. For lunch today…
  32. If I were a raindrop I’d…
  33. Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted. Where would you go?
  34. Pretend that there is no such thing as television. What do you do with all your time?
  35. I am always kind to…
  36. My favorite stuffed animal or toy is…
  37. Imagine if cows gave pop instead of milk! What would the world look like??
  38. Imagine that all the streets are rivers. How do you get around?
  39. What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?
  40. Use descriptive words like amazing, incredible, outrageous, super-fun, or mind-blowing in your journal entry.
  41. If I could choose a different name, I would choose…
  42. Let’s go _______________. Describe your adventure.
  43. Write a letter to your mom, dad, friend, cousin, classmate…
  44. What would you do if someone got in front of you while in line at the movies?
  45. What would you do if your jelly sandwich fell upside down on the floor?
  46. What would you do if only one hot dog is left and neither you nor your friend have had one?
  47. What would you do if two of your best friends went to the movies without inviting you?
  48. What would you do if the surprise party was for you but you weren’t surprised?
  49. What would you do if you were invited to two parties on the same day?
  50. What would you do if you promised to feed your pet and you didn’t?
  51. What would you do if someone said you did something wrong and you didn’t?
  52. What would you do if your new shoes felt fine in the store but now they are hurting?
  53. What would you do if someone told you a joke that you don’t think is funny?
  54. What would you do if an hour before the party you remember you didn’t have a gift?
  55. What would you do if a friend came to your house and their mom didn’t know they were  there?
  56. What would you do if you had four math problems marked wrong that were right?
  57. What would you do if you found (fill in the blank) in the street?
  58. What would you do if you found a magic wand?
  59. What would you do if you wanted to befriend someone who didn’t speak your native language?
  60. What would you say if someone told you it was all right to steal from a large department store?
  61. What would you do if you saw a friend cheating–report it, confront the friend, nothing–and why?
  62. If you could do whatever you wanted to right now, what would you do?
  63. What would happen if everyone lived in space? What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?
  64. What do you do for exercise?
  65. How do you feel when you do something very good?
  66. How do you feel when you play a trick on someone?
  67. How would you feel if a new child moved into your neighborhood?
  68. How do you think the new child would feel?
  69. How do you feel when you have had a fight with your best friend?
  70. What I Did On My Vacation
  71. What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?
  72. Let’s play____ at recess!
  73. On the Fourth of July, I want to…
  74. I heard a frog croaking. I followed him to…
  75. Over the summer we are going to…
  76. Seven things you enjoyed about this school year were…
  77. List 2-5 books you plan to read over the summer. Or list the authors. Tell me why.
  78. If I had superpowers, I would… 

Helping Students Transition from Childhood to Young Adulthood

Middle school is a bridge between early childhood and young adulthood, and this transitional time can be challenging and difficult for some students. To help them today to have a better tomorrow, have them write and/or journal.

But remember…

Middle school students are often just moving out of the play-based stage of their childhood.


As kids grow out of the play-based stage of development, they tend to use their imaginations less and focus more on their growing and rapidly changing bodies, minds, feelings, and so forth.

This is why we suggest you…

Focus on Cultivating Creativity in Your Students


Students of this age group often need a little bit of encouragement to re-engage their imaginations.

In order to stretch their imaginations and remind them to seek out their creative sides, you can use middle school journal prompts.

Best of all…

Just one of our middle school journal prompts could be exciting and inviting enough to spark something deep inside a young student and could also help them learn to love writing.

Further Benefits of Student’s Writing & Journaling with Prompts

Middle school journal prompts are powerful tools that can help your students in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Helping them discover how to express their own ideas and convictions through writing.
  • Giving them a safe space to write about their feelings and experiences.
  • Allowing them to feel confident in their writing skills.
  • Giving them an opportunity to build upon their existing writing skills and expand upon their foundation.
  • Showing them that writing can be used as a tool for reducing stress, anxiety, and frustration.

Now, here’s another way to summarize all the wonderful ways that journaling can help your students. Journal writing can help the writer to:

  • Clarify your thoughts and feelings
  • Know yourself better
  • Reduce stress
  • Solve problems more effectively
  • Resolve disagreements with others

Wow! Those are some incredible benefits of writing. But, not everyone loves to write which is why we present to you…

The “Favorites” Prompt List of Ideas

For those reluctant writers or non-writers, we suggest you use the time-tested favorite writing prompts. They are simple ideas that nearly every writer can answer without much effort. Plus, they are an excellent way to get those creative writing juices flowing for writers of all skill levels.

Have students write about their:

  • Favorite foods
  • Favorite place
  • Favorite book
  • Favorite toy
  • Favorite season
  • Favorite movie
  • Favorite animal
  • Favorite pet

A Few Words on Journaling with Students

It’s important to keep in mind that journaling does not have to be an activity that is exclusive to traditional subjects, such as reading, writing, and grammar.

Most of these middle school journal prompts can be incorporated into any classroom setting, and you can easily modify them in order to meet the needs of your specific lesson.


Whether you are a teacher who teaches middle school science, or you are a parent who wants to help your child make stronger connections between their life and the social studies curriculum…

You can use a journal as a supplemental tool.

All grades of middle school students will draw inspiration to create short stories, poems, essays, and more with our list of writing topics above. From ELA classrooms to math and science, writing prompts are a way to support all forms of middle school writing.

The instructions for journal writing are easy for all grade levels to follow:

Grab a notebook and a pen or pencil and a prompt from our ever-growing list of prompt resources.


On our blog, you’ll find thousands of free journal prompts and writing ideas to inspire students from elementary school up to high school students – and beyond.

Whether they’re writing about homework, their favorite toy, or how many chores they’re responsible for at home, you can be sure that creative writing will result.

More Writing Prompts for Middle School

Until next time, write on…

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Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School
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