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Pandemic Journal Prompts + Printable Pages

Pandemic Journal Prompts and Time Capsule Printable Journal Pages— Below you will find writing prompts specific to the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. Plus, we share the link where you can grab a copy of the COVID-19 Time Capsule printable journal pages for kids. Please journal with your kids and students during this historical time.

Pandemic Journal Prompts + Printable Pages

There is no doubt about it, the Coronavirus Pandemic has changed our world as we once knew it. But journaling can help. It is a powerful tool for processing intense emotions. Further, it is helpful for sorting through confusing — and sometimes scary — thoughts.

Journal keeping is an activity anyone can use to help process what is happening in our world. It’s free, requires few resources, can be done at home and is safe for everyone to do.

To support your journaling efforts, we have some fabulous resources for you. First is a list of pandemic journal prompts for kids. Below the prompt lists are the printable prompt PDF and Journal Pages along with the link for the printable COVID-19 Time Capsule journal pages. Finally, we share a list of further journaling resources. I hope you and your kids will keep a journal during this historical event to process and document your experiences. 

47 Pandemic Journal Prompts for Students

  1. What has changed in your life since this pandemic began?
  2. What is your #1 concern about how life has changed for you?
  3. Write a letter to your future self 5, 10 or 20 years from now and explain how the pandemic changed life as you once knew it.
  4. Explain in detail how the things that matter the most to you in life have changed because of the pandemic?
  5. Are you keeping a daily journal during this time to record these historic events? If so why? If not, why not?
  6. Describe your e-learning and “school at home” day. How is it different from your regular school experiences?
  7. Imagine your ideal study space at home. What does it look like?
  8. Write a letter to your teacher (or any staff member) and tell them what you miss about school.
    Pandemic Journal Prompts + Printable Pages
  9. Have you taken any virtual tours of museums, parks or other interesting places? If so, explain how a virtual tour compares to an actual one.
  10. How have your parents’ schedules changed? Compare and contrast their day now with their typical day.
  11. How are you feeling today about your home and family life?
  12. How are you feeling about the world and how it has changed because of the pandemic?
  13. What do you miss the most about life from before this outbreak?
  14. What do you miss the least about life from before this outbreak?
  15. What changes do you think this pandemic has caused that will still be around years from now?
  16. Write what you think your teacher’s day looks like now. Describe your teacher’s day at home.
  17. What do you think your principal’s day looks like? Describe your principal’s day at home.
  18. Do you have animals at home? How has your being home during the school day changed their normal day?
  19. When you are at school, what do you think your pet does all day?
  20. Write a story and narrate your pet’s day and how their life is different now that the entire family is home so much.
  21. What do you know about coronavirus? What fears do you have?
  22. Has your family experienced any shortages of items during these times? List out the changes in detail.
  23. Are you feeling more stressed or anxious these days? Explain your answer in detail.
  24. List out all the things that have changed in your daily life since the pandemic began? What have you learned from them?
  25. What else has changed for you because of COVID-19?
  26. What are you doing with all your extra time? Are you binge-watching Netflix or Disney+, creating art, writing, sleeping… explain your answer in as much detail as you can.
  27. What have you learned about your family members that surprises you?
  28. Distance learning is new for a lot of students. Do you like it? Why or why not?
  29. What new technology skills have you learned because of distance and e-learning?
  30. Do you like distance learning? Do you want to continue with it or would you prefer to go back to classroom learning?
  31. Are you getting more or less exercise at home than normal? Why or why not?
  32. How are you keeping up with your extracurricular activities?
  33. Describe what your first day back to school will be like.
  34. Do you have siblings? Do you like spending more time with them? Why or why not?
  35. What is the littlest issue that you and your sibling(s) have fought about? Explain in detail.
  36. If you wear a uniform for school, do you miss it? Why or why not?
  37. Design your ideal school uniform and describe it in detail from head to toe.
  38. Do you miss lunchtime at school? Why or why not?
  39. What do you eat for lunch at home? Who do you socialize with at lunch?
  40. What would you want to talk about with your friends at school during lunch or recess today?
  41. How are you keeping in contact with friends? Be sure to include what you like and what you do not like about how things have changed.
  42. Write a letter to your best friend and then send it in the mail to her.
  43. If your school isn’t returning this spring, what activities and events will you miss the most? What will you miss the least?
  44. Field trips are something that you might be missing – what trips would you like to take now with your family?
  45. What field trips would you like to take when school is back in session? Why?
  46. What are your school values? How are you exemplifying them while at home?
  47. Write your daily announcements for today’s day of school at home.

COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Prompt and Page Printables

Printable COVID-19 Time Capsule Journal Pages

IMPORTANT NOTE: These wonderful printable journal pages were made by Natalie Long. You can follow her on Instagram and check out her Etsy shop.

Here’s where you can access the PDF of Covid Time Capsule printable journal pages.

2020 Time Capsule
Time Capsule Created by Natalie Long,
You can follow her on Instagram and check out her Etsy shop.

Here are a some more journaling resources you may find helpful during these unprecedented times.

If you found these pandemic journal prompts and printable journaling pages helpful, please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.  

I appreciate it!

Now, get to it and take advantage of the many therapeutic benefits of journaling. Plus, as an added bonus, you will create a historic record to look back on someday.

Until next time, stay safe, be healthy and write on …

creator and curator

Pandemic Journal Prompts + Printable Pages
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