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63 Excellent Persuasive Essay Topics

You’ve just discovered an excellent list of persuasive essay topics to help grade 9, 10, 11 & 12 students improve their essay-writing skills. Oh yeah! There are 63 persuasive writing topics PLUS 14 more bonus ideas in this blog post for you. Discover some great ideas for your next essay assignment now!

Persuasive Writing Prompts

Persuasive writing is a type of writing that focuses on explaining a problem and convincing the reader of the writer’s opinion.

Yet, it’s not enough to simply offer a point of view, but it’s essential to offer valid, logical evidence that persuades the audience to the writer’s view of truth.

You see…

Persuasive essays are a common type of academic writing in which you need to choose your side and then prove why you’re correct with convincing language and the presentation of hard evidence.


Whether you’re teaching your class how to write persuasive essays or you’re a student trying to hone your persuasive writing skills, deciding what topic to focus on is often one of the most difficult tasks.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of persuasive writing topics to help teens and high school students improve their essay-writing skills.

Now, without further ado, here is our excellent list of persuasive essay topics. Enjoy!

63 Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Teens should learn etiquette at school.
  2. All teens should have the opportunity to study in a different country.
  3. Parents of a kid who bullies someone else should pay a fine.
  4. School days should start after noon.
  5. Teens should have the opportunity to determine their own curfew and bedtime.
  6. The voting age should be changed from 18 to 16 years of age.
  7. Cheerleaders should be eliminated from professional sports.
  8. Beauty contests can negatively affect body image.
  9. Is chess really a game or a sport?
  10. Drinking energy drinks is dangerous.
  11. Older pop music was better than today’s pop music.
  12. Humans should not be testing beauty products on animals.
  13. Should students all be required to learn a foreign language?
  14. Pets should not be kept outdoors.
  15. Junk food should be banned at school.
  16. Are the Harry Potter books overrated?
  17. Mobile devices should/should not be allowed at school.
  18. Should college be free for all students?
  19. Students should be allowed to take a music or art class instead of PE.
  20. High school students should take a class on managing finances.
  21. Sign language should be a required course.
  22. Should there be some limits to free speech?
  23. Recycling should be made mandatory.
  24. Is using solar energy really worth the cost?
  25. Should the world ban nuclear power?
  26. College athletes should receive a salary.
  27. Are the Olympic Games really worth the cost of hosting them?
  28. Is online schooling as effective as going to a traditional school?
  29. Can playing violent video games lead to violence in real life?
  30. Should we ban facial recognition technology?
    Kids Persuasive Writing Topics
  31. Should social media platforms do more to protect the privacy of users?
  32. Excessive use of social media leads to anxiety and depression.
  33. There should be an age limit on social media use.
  34. What 21st Century invention has had the greatest impact on our society?
  35. Does technology increase or decrease inequality?
  36. Athletes who have a positive drug test should be banned from the sport.
  37. What type of punishment should be given for cheating?
  38. Homework should not be required.
  39. What school rule should be changed and why?
  40. Kids should learn how to cook their own meals.
  41. Music education is important and should be a part of school curriculum.
  42. Should music producers have more power than band members do?
  43. There’s a good chance that aliens exist.
  44. Having too much money can end up being a bad thing.
  45. Dress codes should not be used in schools.
  46. School days are too long and should be shortened.
  47. The best dessert in the world is _____.
  48. Should schools allow sugary drinks?
  49. Is it more exciting to eat at home or at a restaurant?
  50. Should you be allowed to have wild animals as a pet?
  51. The best athlete in the world is ______.
  52. Winter sports are better than summer sports.
  53. Is it more fun to watch sports or to play sports?
  54. Do professional athletes make too much money?
  55. Should you be able to get books free?
  56. Are action movies better than comedies?
  57. Which is better: streaming a movie at home or seeing a movie at the theater?
  58. Should people who are rich pay more in taxes than poorer people?
  59. Do you think we should give money and other benefits to homeless people?
  60. Does society treat individuals with mental illness fairly?
  61. Should you go to school year-round or do you think you should have that summer vacation?
  62. Are security guards needed in schools?
  63. Should teachers and schools use social media to communicate with students?

I hope your writers enjoy this excellent list of persuasive essay topics.

123 More Free Persuasive Writing Topics and Prompts

Looking for even more exciting persuasive writing prompts? Try some of these additional topics and ideas.

14 Bonus Persuasive Essay Topics

Use these ideas to get inspired to write your next persuasive assignment.

  1. Why it is/isn’t ethical to use an essay writing service.
  2. Zoos should or should not exist because…
  3. To address illegal immigration, all immigrants deserve a path to citizenship and here is how that could work…
  4. The internet should be free for all to access and use.
  5. School uniforms are…
  6. Healthcare needs this…
  7. Planet earth deserves worldwide protection because…
  8. Gym class should take place for two hours minimum per day OR should not take place at all.
  9. Climate change and global warming can be remedied through…
  10. Year-round school for public schools is a great idea because it…
  11. Drivers license should be for those 21 and older only.
  12. Getting a good grade is or is not important because grades are….
  13. Space exploration is/is not essential to the evolution of humans.
  14. Wages should be raised for all because…

I hope you enjoyed our lists of writing resources and topics. Now get to writing those persuasive essays! Oh, and we’ve also got your covered for writing argumentative essays or if you need a persuasive speech topic.

Ok, that’s all for today.

Until next time, write on…

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Persuasive Writing Ideas for Students
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