Use these 5th grade opinion writing prompts to get your kids thinking about new issues they may have never considered before and to help them learn exactly what it takes to justify those opinions and persuade others to share their thoughts. Oh yeah! Let’s get to it.

One of the most important things your students should learn during this opinion writing exercise is that it’s not enough to simply have an opinion—you also need to be able to support it if you want to bring anyone around to your side.
This requires thoughtful writing that includes specific evidence to support one’s position (and doing that takes practice).
You see…
While your learners consider writing topics ranging from the potential existence of aliens to the meaning of adulthood, they’ll be asked to stretch their minds and their critical thinking skills in order to form and then argue their own opinions.
Prompt Ideas to Support Your Fifth Grade Student Writers
As fifth grade students transition from elementary school to middle school, they frequently become more adept at expressing their own thoughts and ideas—and in many cases, also even more eager to do so.
You can nurture this important skill in your students with our set of 30 5th-grade opinion writing prompts. Yeppers, our list of ideas make student work fun!
Your students will love these 5th grade opinion writing prompts, persuasive prompt and opinion essay prompts. Indeed, we hope you’ll be amazed by the thoughtful opinion pieces they’ll come up with.
Ok, get to it and start using these fabulous opinion writing topics with your students today!
30 5th Grade Opinion Writing Prompts and Ideas
- What is the best thing about living in America?
- Would you rather be the smartest, kindest, or funniest person in the class? Why?
- What is the most effective way to help people less fortunate than yourself?
- Is it important for kids to learn about current events?
- Which would you rather have: money, success, or fame? And what would be enough money, success or fame for you?
- Should some sports, toys, or activities be restricted only to boys or only to girls? Why or why not?
- What school subject is most important for kids to learn?
- Should it be a school policy that students have to wear school uniforms or (adhere to a dress code)? Why or why not?
- Should parents be held accountable for things their children do wrong?
- What is the greatest challenge your parents face each day?
- What does it mean to be an adult?
- What is the best place in the world to live?
- In what way will the world be most different 30 years from now?
- Would you rather give a gift or receive a gift?
- What is the most entertaining show on TV today?
- If you could choose another time period to live your entire life in, which would you choose? Why?
- Should students be required to take physical education classes?
- What is the most important quality of a good friend and (of good friendships)?
- Is it better to have siblings or to be an only child?
- Which would you rather have: talent or skill?
- Do you believe aliens exist?
- What is the hardest job in the world?
- What is one thing that anyone in the world would be truly happy to have?
- Do you receive too much, too little, or the right amount of homework?
- What is the best animal to have as a the perfect pet?
- Do you feel like homework actually impacts your learning?
- If you could become new friends with any one person in the world, who would you choose? Why?
- Should it be mandatory for students and their families to participate in school fundraisers? Why or why not?
- If you could change any one thing about the world, what would you change?
- Do people have a responsibility to help other people who are less fortunate than they are?
I hope you enjoyed this list of 5th grade opinion writing prompts and use them to support your fifth grader’s work and writing practice during their class periods.
More Writing Resources for 5th Graders
- 35 Writing Prompts for 5th Grade
- Writing Worksheets for 5th Grade
- 7 Ways to Introduce Opinion Writing to Elementary Students
- Printable Assignment Sheet Collection for 5th Grade Opinion Writing
We have persuasive writing prompts and opinion writing prompts for all ages, too.
A Few Closing Thoughts
You can use our list of ideas to assign a specific writing task or as group ideas for your entire class of fifth graders.
Plus, any one of these prompts would also all make an excellent focusing question and should assist your writers in creating good work and excellent new writings.
Lastly, this list prompts can also help develop your student’s opinion and persuasive writing skills all while helping to give your writer’s purpose and direction.
Alrighty, that’s all for today.
Until next time, good luck inspiring your students to write a good opinion essay or other writing today. No doubt it will help them tomorrow and beyond.
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