Yes, we have 5th Grade Writing Prompts— During fifth grade, many pre-teen students struggle to find their own maturity, stuck in a place slightly between childhood and the teenage years. This is precisely why…

We believe that one of the best gifts you can give your fifth graders during the school year is the opportunity to write with daily journal prompts.
You see…
When students journal, they experience the joy of unpressured time to simply sit down and explore their inner-most thoughts and strong feelings.
Furthermore, using our list of prompts will encourage your students to develop their self-expression AND their educational-foundational skills through the written word. Seriously, how cool is that? 🙂
You can use these ideas for personal journaling time or integrate them into your writing assignments. In doing so you’ll help your student — and their classmates — become good writers. So use and enjoy this list of ideas with your fifth graders today. I know you’ll be glad you did.
A Few Quick Thoughts & Some Simple Instructions
With our list of writing prompts for 5th-grade students, your middle school class is encouraged to think about everything from their earliest friends and what’s best about getting older to tougher questions on peer pressure and the importance of giving.
Yes! Our 5th grade writing prompts get your kids interested in the topics and ideas they are being asked to write about in their journals or assignments.
So, whether your students write one journal entry or 100 journal entries, the practice of daily writing can and will have a positive impact on their lives.
With a lot of practice (and a little luck, too?) your writers will improve their ability to better express themselves in no time.
And, please remember, always do your best to keep the writing experience fun and enjoyable for your kids and for you.
Without further ado, we say get to it and use these writing prompts for 5th-grade students today to help your kids express themselves and grow more comfortable with their own thoughts and ideas!
35 5th Grade Writing Prompts
1. What is the difference between a privilege and a right?
2. What is the most valuable thing you own? Why is it special?
3. Do you like to try new thing things? Why or why not?
4. Write about a favorite moment you had with your extended family. Why was it memorable?
5. What is the best thing about getting older?
6. Who is the most trustworthy person you know?
7. What is the greatest gift you’ve ever given? Why?
8. What surprised you the most about 5th grade?
9. Would you rather be freezing cold or burning hot? Why?
10. What famous person can you relate to the most? Why?
11. Are you good with technical devices? Why or why not?
12. How old were you when you learned to read? Do you remember what it was like?
13. Why is it important to give back to the community?
14. If you could have an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of time to play after school, what would you choose? Why?
15. Where do you and your friends go during the summer? What do you do?
16. Write about the most remarkable thing you’ve ever done.
17. Are you good at focusing on things, or do you have trouble keeping your attention on one thing?
18. Write about a time you were truly surprised by a gift. How did it feel?
19. If you could go back in time, what period would you go to? What would you want to see?
20. What do you do when you someone you don’t like wants to spend time with you?
21. What is unique about your family?
22. Write about a time when you failed to keep a promise. How did you make it up?
23. What would you do if you only had one week to live?
24. Write about a time when you did something because everyone else was doing it. How did you feel afterward?
25. What does it mean to have a responsibility to someone?
26. What do you want to be remembered for someday?
27. Do you remember your dreams? How often? What happens in them?
28. Would you rather have an extra arm or an extra leg? Why?
29. Where do you feel most at home? What makes you feel so comfortable?
30. What is the strangest habit you have? How did you develop it?
31. Who is the first friend you ever made? What did you do together?
32. What is the coolest random fact you know? Where did you learn it?
33. What is the greatest gift you could ever receive?
34. Write about your favorite holiday memory.
35. Find a partner and interview one another about your childhoods. Then, write about what you have in common with one another.
I hope you enjoyed this list of 5th grade writing prompts.
Yes! More Creative Writing Prompts for Fifth Graders
Bonus! Check out this sampling of 10 free 5th grade topics.
- How does it feel when someone shares a secret with you?
- Write a funny story about an alien abduction.
- Are there any foods that you absolutely will not eat? Why?
- What are you looking forward to doing in high school?
- What is your favorite movie or tv show? Why do you like it so much?
- Write a poem about your favorite flower.
- What are three things that make you unique?
- What is the best lesson you’ve ever learned outside of school?
- How do you feel when you hear stories about people living in poor countries?
- What is your favorite kind of animal (or pet) and why?
—> See the full list of 128 creative writing ideas here.
Now, there is no doubt that fifth grade is an important time in a child’s life.
This is why the positive influence of an activity such as journaling should not be overlooked. Indeed, we think activities that promote self-expression can truly make a big difference in the life of a student. We hope you agree.
More Writing Resources for 5th Graders
- 5th Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
- 72 5th Grade Writing Prompts
- Fifth Grade Create a Character Creative Writing Worksheet
- Essay Prompts for Elementary Kids
- Narrative Essays — 12 Topics for Students
- 4 Fun Narrative Writing Prompts for 5th Grade
Until next time, write on…
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