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32 World Building Prompts for Stories

Story Writing Tips and World-Building Prompts for Middle School Students — Some stories are interesting because of what happens, while others catch a reader’s interest simply because of where they happen.  These world-building prompts for middle schoolers focus on the latter, offering interesting premises that students can use to create worlds upon which they will write their own stories.

Middle School Story Writing Tips and Prompts

A world where no one remembers the past or where everyone is born as an adult doesn’t simply occur on its own—and that’s where these world-building exercises come in.  With the basic premise of each prompt in hand, students will think backward to answer questions about how these worlds came to be and what daily life in each one might be like.

Encourage your class to ask questions like “What kind of diversity exists in this world?”, “What do schools look like?”, and “What types of family units do people have?” in order to get a clear view of the rules of each new world.  As students write, they’ll quickly establish a sense of order for their new worlds—and they’ll also begin to see what types of stories there may be to tell about each place.

As students work through the scenarios presented in these story writing tips and world-building prompts, they’ll learn how to create fantastical places that still maintain a balance of logistical realism…and also gain lots of inspiration for the stories they may want to set in their brand new worlds!

World-Building Prompts for Middle Schoolers

  1. Design a world where people always say exactly what’s on their minds.
  2. Design a world where the Internet has always existed.
  3. Design a world where everyone is born as an adult.
  4. Design a world where everyone shares the same occupation.
  5. Design a world where there are only 100 people living in each country.
  6. Design a world where everyone gets to vote—regardless of age.
  7. Design a world where everyone is a vegetarian.
  8. Design a world where no one remembers the past.
  9. Design a world where everyone is nice to each other all the time.
  10. Design a world where no one has pets.
  11. Design a world where people can travel through time.
  12. Design a world where people can eat whatever they want with no adverse effects.
  13. Design a world where there is only one, single government.
  14. Design a world where people live with their parents forever.
  15. Design a world where everyone gets to go to college for free.
    World-Building Prompts for Middle School
  16. Design a world where everything can be recycled.
  17. Design a world where people never age.
  18. Design a world where people go to school their entire lives.
  19. Design a world where there are no laws.
  20. Design a world where religion does not exist.
  21. Design a world where money literally grows on trees.
  22. Design a world where there is no water.
  23. Design a world where people know that aliens exist—and can communicate with them.
  24. Design a world where bullying is illegal.
  25. Design a world where people can teleport.
  26. Design a world where people have nine lives.
  27. Design a world where there are no books.
  28. Design a world where it is daytime all the time.
  29. Design a world where animals have people as pets.
  30. Design a world where everything you do is posted on social media.
  31. Design a world where people can read each other’s minds.
  32. Design a world where people’s appearances change based on their emotions.

More Story Writing Prompts

Until next time, write on…

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World-Building Writing Ideas and Story Prompts for Middle School Kids
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