Journal Prompts for Kids 31 prompts + 18 BONUS Journaling Ideas. Yeppers. We have 48 journaling ideas in all and 3 wonderful and inspiring journaling deas. Oh, and these journal prompts are good for kids and other writers as well. Take a look now and enjoy!

You see…
Creating daily routines — including making journaling a daily habit — is a potent choice that is easy to make yet has powerful results, for kids, students, adults, and everyone.
Yes! Journaling is, in a word, awesome. I hope you agree.
- Self Expression, Self-Reflection, Core Values, and More…
- 31 Fabulous Journaling Prompts, Topics, and Ideas for Kids
- Get Kids Even MORE Excited About Journaling
- 18 MORE Journal Prompts for Kids and Writing Topics
- Journal Prompts for Kids — Get them writing with The Favorites List
- Three Journaling Ideas for Kids
- Make Journaling One of Your Kids Favorite Hobbies (or Yours!)
- More Journal Prompts for Kids Resources
- A Few Final Thoughts
Speaking of awesome, I have a great list of journal prompts for kids so keep on reading!
Self Expression, Self-Reflection, Core Values, and More…
For kids who are growing up and learning to express their thoughts, regular journaling provides a safe and open environment for exploration. Indeed, journal-keeping offers kids the chance to reflect on their lives closely—something that they might not stop to do otherwise.
When kids journal, they slow down a bit and think about the people, situations, and influences in their lives that impact them the most.
Writing is an outlet for our innermost thoughts and emotions—and through the process of journal writing, we can better understand where our feelings originate.
This is why children who journal grow more comfortable with expressing their ideas and opinions and they are more confident in their own identities, values, and ideas.
Now, let’s get it.
Enjoy this list of 31 journal prompts for kids and journaling prompts, especially for young writers. Then scroll down the page to discover even more wonderful writing ideas.
31 Fabulous Journaling Prompts, Topics, and Ideas for Kids
I hope you enjoy this list of Journal Prompts for Kids (and for all).
1. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
2. Write about a person whom you’d like to be like someday. What is special about this person?
3. Who is someone whom you can always count on? How do you know you can trust this person?
4. If you were in the circus, what role would you have?
5. How would your teachers describe you?
6. Would you rather have a star or an island named after you? Why?
7. What is your favorite commercial? What do you like about it?
8. Write about a time when you helped a friend with something important.
9. What is the best kind of M&M’s? Peanut? Plain? Pretzel? Dark Chocolate? Why?
10. Do you consider yourself to be patient or excitable? Why?
11. Write about something that you believe.
12. Do you have any morning or evening routines? What do you do?
13. What are you most looking forward to about getting older? Why?
14. Do you want to go to college some day? Where do you think you’d like to go?
15. Do you think women today have equal rights to men? Why or why not?
16. Write about the best smell you have ever experienced. What memories does it remind you of?
17. Do you enjoy journaling? Why or why not?
18. Which character from your favorite TV show are you the most like?
19. Why do you think your friends like you?
20. Would you rather have lifetime happiness or meet the love of your life?
21. If you could have an unlimited supply of anything, what would it be?
22. Is it hard to keep old friends and new friends at the same time?
23. If you could give one piece of advice to your best friend, what would you tell them?
24. If you were the eighth dwarf in Snow White, who would you be? Why?
25. Would you rather get a pet dog or a new horse? Why?
26. Write a poem about your city.
27. What is your earliest memory?
28. What do you do when you’re frustrated with someone?
29. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
30. What is your favorite thing about the summer?
31. Write about your favorite toy, favorite books, movies, or your favorite superhero and their superpower. What makes your choice so beloved by you?
Hooray for awesome and fun journal prompts for kids! I hope you use these ideas and journal prompts with your writers today. You’ll be glad you did!
Now let’s explore how to…
Get Kids Even MORE Excited About Journaling
Getting kids excited about journaling might seem like a daunting task, but with a little creativity, it can be an easy sell. Though some students might initially think that sitting and writing quietly sounds boring, they’ll quickly see that journaling has the power to be engaging, inspiring, and exciting.
To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of fun writing prompts, journal ideas and creative writing prompts – and a brand new set of journal prompts for kids that will show them just how fun it can be to journal and practice writing.
Use these fun journal prompts for kids to kick off your class’s creative expression.
Then… keep on scrolling to discover three wonderful and inspiring journaling ideas for kids. I think you and your kids — from elementary school to high school and beyond — are going to love these fun writing prompt ideas.
18 MORE Journal Prompts for Kids and Writing Topics
- What is the most interesting thing you’ve ever learned? What makes it so fascinating to you?
- Describe your perfect day from start to finish. Use as many details as possible… and then draw a picture to accompany your work!
- If you could do one impossible thing, what would you choose? Why?
- What is your greatest dream? Do you think you’ll ever achieve it? Why or why not?
- What do you like to do when you want to celebrate a special occasion?
- Write about one of your favorite memories with a friend. What made that day so special?
- Think of several words that describe you. Write about (or illustrate!) each one.
- What is something neat about you that not many people know? Do you think people would be surprised to learn this fact?
- If you could make one law that everyone else would have to follow, what would it be? Why?
- Where is your favorite place in the world? What do you like most about it?
- Would you rather spend your weekend hanging out at home or out doing something with a friend? Why?
- Write about a time when you met someone new and instantly wanted to know more about him or her.
- Who is your greatest hero or role model? What about this person inspires you?
- If someone wrote a story about your life, what would it be called? What would happen in the story?
- Have you ever wished you were born in a different time period? Why or why not?
- If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? Why?
- Which subject in school do you enjoy the most? Why do you like it?
- Write about your favorite thing about yourself. Describe why you love having that quality.
I hope you enjoyed this list of journal prompts for kids and journal topics for kids. Use them with younger kids, middle school students, and even older kids.
Now., for those reluctant writers or non-writers, check this out…
Journal Prompts for Kids — Get them writing with The Favorites List
This is a go-to list and I suggest you use this time-tested list of favorite writing prompts. It’s a perfect list of journal prompts for kids, especially for those reluctant (or non-writers).
The ideas on this list are simple and nearly every writer can answer them without much strain. Plus, these ideas are an excellent way to get those creative juices flowing or to overcome writer’s block. Lastly, this list of writing ideas is perfect for writers of all skill levels.
- Favorite foods
- Favorite movies
- Favorite character
- Favorite color
- Favorite toy
- Favorite season
- Favorite movie
- Favorite holiday
- Favorite pet
- Favorite animals
- Favorite place
- Favorite song
- Favorite/best gift
- Accomplishment
- Summer vacation
- Cookies
- Gifts
- Social media app
- School year or grade
- Video games
Turn this list on its head and write about your least favorite instead. Use these favorite journal prompts for kids today!
Three Journaling Ideas for Kids
To further support your kid’s journaling journey, check out these three wonderful and inspirational journaling ideas and help your writers level up their writing skills.

Here we go…
Journaling Kids Idea #1
Give Students the Chance to Personalize Their Journals
One of the best ways to get kids interested in journaling is to make sure they’re totally involved from the start. Instead of using boring, plain notebooks, ask each student to select his or her own unique journal.
Kids should choose journals that suit their personalities—whether that’s a notebook with a favorite character, a fancy-looking leather journal, or one that’s covered in sparkles and sequins!
It may sound too simple to be true, but an appealing-looking notebook that reflects a child’s personality will always be more inspiring when they sit down to journal than a plain-colored spiral notebook.
A few other ideas to consider:
- For younger students, help them choose journals with lines that are wide enough to fit their handwriting. Kids will quickly get frustrated with the process of journaling if they feel like they don’t have enough room to write.
- For artistic kids, consider journals with totally blank, unlined pages so that they have room to doodle alongside their writing.
- Try not to put too many requirements on the journal in terms of page size or writing requirements. Though you’ll want to make sure kids are writing enough to fully participate in the activity, it’s best to keep things flexible to allow the most room for creativity to shine.
Kids Journaling Idea #2
Make Journaling a Fun, Artistic Activity for the Whole Class
Writing isn’t the only way for kids to express themselves through journaling—it can also be a fun, artistic outlet, too!
In addition to having kids choose their own journals, help them select fun tools to use for writing and decorating as well. Students will love using colorful pens, markers, and pencils to write in their journals—and they can use fun accessories like stickers, paints, and stencils to accompany their words.
You can also make journaling time extra fun by treating it more like an “activity” or “event” than just another assignment. Set aside a few designated journaling times each week when the classroom loosens up a little.
Here are a few fun ideas:
- Let students move around the room and sit wherever they like, or take the class outside when the weather is nice!
- Turn on some quiet background music and change up the lighting in the classroom to give the feeling of a new environment—and to help students develop an association with this creative block of time.
- You could even try serving a fun, healthy snack for extra “brain power”.
- Spend time writing in your own journal while the students write in theirs in order to show them that journaling isn’t just homework…it’s even fun for adults, too!
Journaling Kids Idea #3
Use Writing Prompts and Journal Ideas for Kids to Promote Inspiration
For many students, the hardest part of journaling is simply getting started. After all, a blank page can be intimidating even to an experienced writer!
If your students suffer from writer’s block, you can use journal prompts to guide them and focus their creativity. Prompts are an effective tool that gives kids a starting point so they don’t spend ages staring listlessly at empty notebooks. Writing prompts can also be interpreted in so many different ways that each student will still come up with his or her creative answer.
Furthermore, guided journal prompts offer kids a way to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe, private space where no one will judge them. For young minds that are still learning who they are and where their creativity lies, this opportunity is truly invaluable!
Make Journaling One of Your Kids Favorite Hobbies (or Yours!)
Yes, journaling can become a fun, hobby in your life. Best of all… it can bring you wonderful results and benefits. It’s truly a blessing and I can not recommend it enough.
Indeed, it is a simple yet powerful form of self-care that is accessible to people of all ages and in all stages of life.
Journal writing has been proven to lower anxiety (here are some prompts and free downloadables in PDF format). It improves mental health and shifts your life in many healthy, positive ways. Read more about the benefits of journaling and mental health here.
It promotes gratitude and serves as a lovely reminder of just how far one has come in life.
More Journal Prompts for Kids Resources
- 365 Journal Writing Prompts for Kids
- 51 Exciting Things to Write About in a Journal
- Daily Journals for Students – 32 Ideas to Inspire
A Few Final Thoughts
Journaling is a powerful tool for kids of all ages—and it’s also a wonderful habit to instill early on, as the ability to reflect and explore one’s own ideas and feelings will serve kids throughout their entire lives.
These fun journal prompts for kids and journal ideas for kids are a great way to help your students get excited about the prospect of journaling.
Be sure to check out more great journal tips for kids, journal prompts, and other kids journaling articles available for free here on our site. You’re sure to find more fun journaling ideas for students—and maybe even a few for yourself, too!
OK, that’s all for today. Until next time, write on…
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PS – Let’s explore What are Morning Pages and The Benefits of Journaling for Kids!