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30 Fun Short Answer Writing Prompts

Now there are two lists of Short Writing Prompts for you— Teaching kids to write from a young age is one of the best things a teacher can do for his or her students. And, there’s no better way to get elementary school kids writing than through the use of a few fun writing prompts. Yes!

Short Answer Writing Prompts

In this set of 30 short answer writing prompts for kids, your students will get the chance to write about topics that interest them.


They are invited (and encouraged) to express their ideas and perspective about the issues and people that matter to them. Oh yeah.

Whether they’re imagining how they would spend a day with their favorite TV characters, defending their favorite candy, or expressing what they love most about their parents….

Students will learn to write and convey their thoughts in a manner that is easy to understand, age-appropriate, and—most importantly—fun!

Use these short answer writing prompts for elementary school students to help your class ease into the process of regular writing—and to help them learn how much fun creative self-expression can be.

Oh… and while this list was designed for elementary writers, students in both middle school and high school might enjoy them, as well.

30 Sweet Short Answer Writing Prompts

  1. Write about one thing that was different in real life than it was on TV.
  2. If you could have any one talent without having to practice it, what would it be? Why?
  3. If you had a secret clubhouse, what would it look like? What would you do there? Who would be allowed inside?
  4. Assuming you had plenty of food, water, and survival supplies, what five things would you bring with you to stay busy on a desert island?
  5. Write about a time when you disobeyed an important rule. What happened?
  6. What is your greatest wish? Do you believe it will ever come true?
  7. Do you like going to the dentist and doctor? Why or why not?
  8. What is the most interesting fact you know? Where did you learn it?
  9. If you could spend a day with your favorite TV character, who would you choose to hang out with?  What would you do together?
  10. Which is better—chocolate candy or fruit candy? Why?
  11. Write about the most fun thing you’ve ever done with your best friend.
  12. What is something that most people don’t know about you? Do you think it would surprise them?
  13. Write about a time when you had a secret you couldn’t share. What did you do?
  14. How much time do you spend on the Internet each day? What is your favorite thing to do online?
  15. What is your favorite thing about your house? Why?
  16. Would you rather take a long road trip or fly somewhere on a plane? Why?
  17. Write about something that you’re really good at. Describe it in detail.
  18. What is your favorite thing to do with your parents? Why?
  19. Write a poem about why your mom is special to you.
    Short Writing Ideas for Kids
  20. Write a poem about what you love most about your dad.
  21. What is your favorite sound in the entire world? Why?
  22. What is the best book you’ve ever read? What did you like about it?
  23. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose? Why? What would you name your new pet?
  24. Would you rather walk, ride a bike, roller-skate, skateboard, or ride a scooter to the park? Why?  What is the benefit of your chosen form of transportation?
  25. Who is the best superhero? What makes him or her so cool?
  26. What family traditions do you want to carry on with your own kids someday? Will you modify them in any way or keep them exactly the same?
  27. What is your favorite thing to do at the park? Why?
  28. Do you like having your photo taken? Why or why not?
  29. Write about a time when you were genuinely surprised. What happened?
  30. Are you good at taking tests? Why or why not?

That’s all for this list of short answer writing prompts.

Now check out these…

18 More BONUS Short Answer Writing Prompts

Use this list as journal prompts or ideas for super short stories (also see our list of 25 drabble creative writing prompts — aka 100 word short story).

  1. What one superpower do you wish you had?
  2. Do you believe in aliens? 
  3. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
  4. What is your favorite place?
  5. Would you go to outer space if you had the chance to do so? 
  6. Do you like to watch movies at home, in a theatre, on your cellphone, or…
  7. What grade in school has been your favorite thus far? 
  8. What is your favorite book? 
  9. What is your favorite recipe?
  10. What do you think about homework?
  11. What one treasure in this world would you choose if you had one wish? 
  12. When was the last time you went on vacation and where did you go? 
  13. How do you feel about starting a new school year
  14. Do dinosaurs interest you? 
  15. Would you live on a different planet?
  16. What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
  17. What genre do you prefer to read (or to write about)?
  18. Write about the hero’s journey and what you know about it.

That’s all for this bonus list of short-answer writing prompts. May the ideas you and/or your writers find here on my blog help strengthen your writing muscle today so you have stronger writing skills for tomorrow.

Now see this…

Be sure to take a look at some of these writing options I have listed for you above.

A Few Closing Thoughts

From story starters and poetry prompts to narrative essay ideas and fantasy fiction writing prompts, you’ll find just the thing here to beat writer’s block and get the creative juices pumping.


You’ll find thousands of absolutely free writing ideas here on my blog.

You see…

With ideas for all grades and ages, your classroom will be full of story ideas, creativity, and story and journal writing.

Ok, that’s all for today. I hope you and your students found inspiration in these short answer writing prompts and writing ideas.

Until next time, write on…

If you enjoyed these Short Answer Writing Prompts,
please share them on social media Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!

creator and curator

Short Answer Writing Ideas

PS – check out this great resource >>> Helping Kids Plan Their Stories

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