Write for Fun Prompts and Ideas for Kids— With these 31 fun writing ideas, you can give your students an exciting jumping-off point for their writing.

From writing about their favorite cartoon character to exploring favorite family traditions, these prompts will provide kids with some writing ideas that will allow them to just enjoy the fun and excitement that comes with putting their thoughts down on paper.
Oh yeah!
Although having kids focus on specific types of writing helps them develop their skills, there’s something to be said for simply allowing kids to write for fun.
Sometimes writing may begin feeling like a bit of a chore for children and teens, which is why it’s so important to give them a chance just to have a bit of fun with their writing. After all, when kids enjoy something, they’ll do it more frequently.
The Benefits of Having Kids Write Just for the Fun of It
Allowing your students to write for fun now and then offers many benefits.
First, having fun with writing makes it an enjoyable task instead of one they dread doing. It can encourage more imagination in writing, improving writing flow, and give kids a go-to method for killing writer’s block.
Most importantly, writing for fun can help kids improve confidence in their writing skills and help them hone their own writing identity.
When your students have the chance to write for fun, it has the potential to provide them with an emotional outlet that doesn’t come with more structured writing assignments.
Creativity always offers an excellent way to process emotions, both good and bad, and having fun with their writing can be a wonderful way to deal with their feelings and reduce stress.
Write for Fun – 31 Prompts & Ideas for Kids!
Writing for fun has no limits. You can be as creative as you wish to be when writing about any topic of your choice. Moreover, when writing for fun you are able to stimulate and challenge your mind to create new and amazing ideas. While you hone your literary skills, you get to express yourself on a completely new level. Just imagine how fun that will be.
1. Write a poem about outer space.
2. What is the coolest type of technological device available today? What do you like about it?
3. Write about your bedroom. What’s in it? How does it make you feel? Does it reflect your personality?
4. What is the most important lesson you have ever learned?
5. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
6. Can boys be feminists? Why or why not?
7. Who is your favorite cartoon character? How long have you watched him or her?
8. What’s the silliest prank you’ve ever pulled on someone or witnessed? What happened?
9. What is the best kind of Halloween candy?
10. How do you think America will look 20 years from now?
11. How do you feel when you have to apologize to someone?
12. Write about a great male role model. Why is he inspirational?
13. Are you more like your mom or dad? In what ways?
14. Would you rather watch TV or a play? What do you like about your chosen medium?
15. What privileges have you earned as you’ve gotten older?
16. What is the best thing to do after school? How do you spend your afternoons?
17. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
18. Would you rather lose an important material object or a favorite memory? Why?
19. Think of three ways you could help to raise money for charity. How can you implement one of them?
20. What is your favorite thing to do on your birthday?
21. Do you believe aliens exist? Why or why not?
22. Write about someone who can always make you laugh. How does this person make you feel?
23. What is your favorite family tradition? Why is it special?
24. If you could meet anyone from history, whom would you choose? Why?
25. What would the world be like today without cell phones?
26. Write a poem about your best friend and his or her greatest qualities.
27. If you could be any character from a movie for a week, who would you like to be? Why?
28. What is your favorite video game? What do you like about it?
29. What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?
30. Create an idea for some type of invention to make recycling easier. What will it do?
31. Write about a time when you had a hard time waiting for something that was ultimately worth the wait.
More Fun Writing Resources
- Writing for Fun Tips and Prompts
- 28 Fun Writing Prompts for Kids
- Writing for Fun: 3 Powerful Benefits
Until next time, write on…
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