Writing for Fun Tips and Brand New Prompts–
As far as we’re concerned, there are two types of people in the world—those who think writing is fun and those who just don’t know yet that writing is fun!

Some people may think of writing as an outdated art form or a boring tool that is only used for communicating, but they simply couldn’t be more wrong. Even in today’s evolving world, writing is just as alive and well as ever. And in fact, there are even more ways to write today than ever before.
No matter what type of writing is most appealing to you, there are plenty of ways to make writing fun and easy to dive into. Read on to explore our top five do’s and don’ts for having fun with writing below.
Writing for Fun: Five Do’s and Don’ts to Follow
1. Don’t: Feel Like You Have to Write a Certain Amount
When writers are just starting out, they often feel like they have to write a lot for it to “count.”
However, nothing could be further from the truth! The idea of writing for fun is to express yourself in any way that feels good creatively. Sometimes that might mean writing several pages, and other times it might mean writing a single sentence.
There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to writing. You can simply put your pen to paper and see where it starts and ends.
2. Do: Try Different Forms of Writing
Though there’s not a certain way that you need to write, it is a good idea to try writing in several different styles. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been writing for a while, it never hurts to try something new.
Here are a few options to consider:
- Poems
- Short Stories
- Personal Essays
- Songs
- Letters
- Journal Writing (our favorite!)
No matter which form you try, just remember to keep things loose and creative—and when you’re finished, consider choosing another form the next day!
3. Don’t: Worry Too Much About Your First Draft
Another problem that writers of all experience levels face is the compulsion to make things perfect the first time.
However, there’s simply no need to spend hours writing and rewriting a single paragraph when you’re still working on your first draft. It’s much more effective to simply get a first draft out on the page—and to then go back and edit your work later.
It’s natural to want to make your work as good as it can be, but you just shouldn’t deliberate over a single sentence or word that might not even make it into the final cut. Instead, just keep writing until you have a full first draft completed. Then, you can go through it and make all of the changes and refinements you want.
4. Do: Write for Yourself
This next “do” is one of the most important ones of all—write for yourself!
When you’re writing for fun, you should feel free to simply follow along with whatever thought, idea, or creative path interests you in the moment that you’re working on it. Though you can certainly share your work with others if you want, no one is pressuring you to—and you can absolutely keep your work exclusively private if you so wish.
The goal of writing for fun is to make it enjoyable—which means having complete and total creative freedom over your work.
5. Do: Find Inspiration Anywhere and Everywhere
Finally, remember to look for inspiration anywhere and everywhere—you never know where your next great idea will come from!
One of our favorite ways to spark creativity is, of course, through the use of journal writing prompts.
Journal prompts are such a good way to stimulate your mind when you’re not sure what to write about or when you’re simply looking for a quick exercise to get in the groove for the day. And whether you’re searching for a fun topic or a prompt to guide you in self-reflection, there is truly something for everyone to discover and enjoy.
Below, you’ll find an all-new list of journal writing for fun prompts to help you get started and see just how rewarding and inspiring journaling can be!
35 Journal Writing for Fun Prompts for All Ages
- Do you think you would enjoy living on a boat? Why or why not?
- What is the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? Was it worth it?
- What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
- One day, you find a dusty old box in the garage that you’ve never seen before. What’s inside?
- Do you believe in magic or miracles? Why or why not?
- What is the happiest you have ever been? Do you think you’ll ever be that happy again?
- What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and had grown six inches taller overnight?
- What is your favorite part of the year? What do you love about it?
- If you could have any zoo animal as a pet, which would you choose? Why?
- Write a short story using the words pizza, kazoo, tree house, puppy, and bicycle.
- If you could choose a fictional character to be friends with in real life, whom would you choose? Why?
- What is your favorite thing about your life as it is now?
- Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? Why?
- Write about a hobby or activity that you’ve always waned to try. Why does it appeal to you?
- What is the best ice cream topping? Why?
- If you could invent something to solve a problem you currently have, what would you invent? Why?
- What inspires you most in the world? Describe why it is inspirational to you.
- Write a short story about a dog that begins talking instead of barking one day.
- Write about a time when you saved up for something you had really wanted. How did you feel when you did it?
- What would you wish for if you could have one wish and anything in the world could come true?
- What is the weirdest thing you do on a regular basis? What makes it so strange?
- Write about a time when you were anxious about doing something and ended up really enjoying it.
- Imagine that you are recruited to go exploring on a submarine trip! What are you most excited to see?
- What was the best decision you ever made? Why was it the right call?
- Look out the window—and then write about the very first thing you see.
- What is something that you (metaphorically) couldn’t live without? Why?
- Write a short story about a group of friends who make a special agreement with one another.
- Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon? Why?
- Write a new ending to your favorite book or TV show.
- Write about a time when you conquered a fear.
- What is your favorite way to help other people? How often do you do it?
- Choose an inanimate object that speaks to you to write about. Then, explain why you chose it.
- Would you rather have a third arm or a third eye? Why?
- Who is your personal hero? Why do you look up to him or her?
- If you were performing in the circus, what act would you do?
Keeping Your Writing Fun
To keep your journal writing fun, follow the do’s and don’ts outlined above and use writing ideas that spark joy in you. Check out this post to discover and see even more writing for fun ideas!
If you enjoyed these Writing for Fun Prompt Ideas for all writers,
please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!
Until next time, write on…
creator and curator

Fun Writing Activities to Excite Young Minds—
When their creativity is encouraged, children can come up with some of the most inventive and exciting new ideas—but all too often, teachers are forced to focus on classroom activities that have more to do with memorization and recitation than inspiration and innovation.

Fortunately, creative writing offers plenty of opportunities for students to dig deep and express their craziest, silliest thoughts!
Use the following fun writing activities to excite young minds and to encourage your students to find joy in the act of creative expression.
5 Fun Writing Activities for Young Writers
1. Reflecting Through Journaling
Journaling is undoubtedly our favorite way to get kids feeling inspired and interested in the act of writing. Whether they keep a daily gratitude journal or spend 20 minutes each day answering some new journal prompts, journaling provides a safe space for kids to explore their thoughts and to get to know themselves on a deeper level.
2. Rewriting Popular Fiction
For kids who aren’t as interested in the act of daily reflection, rewriting popular works of fiction (be it movies, TV, or a favorite book series) is a fun way to get lost in the world of writing. Kids are easily immersed in their favorite characters, and they’ll love the chance to put their own unique spin on familiar stories. When tasked with rewriting a favorite story or coming up with a new installment for a beloved character, your students will be more excited to start writing.
3. Drafting Daily Poems
Could your classroom be the home to a budding Shel Silverstein? You’ll never know until you begin introducing your students to poetry! Many kids find that poems are easier to write than short stories or personal essays because the form grants them greater flexibility and creative license. Ask your students to write daily poems and watch as their creativity comes to life.

4. Composing Short Stories
Of course, for every young poet in your classroom, there’s probably another student who would be much happier creating his or her own characters and fantasy worlds. Short stories are one of the most entertaining forms of writing for kids of all ages because they afford students a true sense of power. As they build settings and scenarios for their characters and figure out how to create and resolve conflicts, students will experience a feeling of empowerment and pride over the work they are creating.
5. Acting Out Their Work
Our final activity to get your students excited about writing requires a little more planning—and even though it doesn’t involve your students writing any fresh content, it’s sure to really capture their interest and inspire them in new ways!
Have your students put together small skits of some of the short stories and poems they’ve written. The kids should work together in groups to figure out how to bring their writing to life and to act out their own characters and scenarios. Once they’ve developed scripts based on their writing and practiced their lines, have each group perform for the rest of the class—or even for the rest of the school!
Related Links & Resources
- Creative Writing Activities for Students
- Creative Writing Activities for Elementary and Middle School