Writing Prompts for 7th Grade Writers — Hooray! The post is now updated and includes a grand total of 60 writing prompts and essay ideas. Take a look and enjoy.

Yeppers. As seventh graders get ready to transition into their turbulent teenage years, it’s incredibly important for teachers to do everything they can to keep their students focused and grounded.
Seventh grade can be a stressful year for many teenagers—they may feel a newfound sense of maturity and pride, but they also will likely feel the burdens of new expectations and greater responsibilities.
The Incredible Power of Words
One of the best ways to help your 7th graders through this challenging transitional period is to show them how writing can serve as a safe outlet for all of their feelings and ideas. (Yes, writing prompts for 7th grade writers can and will help, too!)
When students journal, they have the freedom to fully explore their thoughts without interruptions or the fear of judgment from others.
Best of all…
They also frequently come to understand themselves, their actions, and their emotions even better when they can trace their journey back on the page.
If you’re looking for a new way to help your students explore and express themselves through the power of writing, use these fabulous 7th-grade writing prompts to get them started!
30 Writing Prompts for 7th Grade
I think your students will love these ideas. Now, take a look and enjoy this list of writing prompts for 7th grade writers.
- Write about a person you admire. How can you emulate him or her?
- What is your greatest belief? Write about why you feel so strongly about it.
- Write a poem about growing older.
- Write about a time when you got caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing.
- Write about the last time you sat down and had a conversation with one of your grandparents. When was it? What did you talk about?
- Write about a time when you could tell you had let someone down. How did you feel?
- Have you ever felt like you had to do something because a friend asked you to? Write about your experience.
- What is the best way to spend time with a friend? Why?
- How frequently do you give time or money to charity? Who do you contribute to and why?
- Write about how technology has changed the way students learn today.
- Write about a way that you act differently at home than at school.
- Spend five minutes looking around the classroom. Did you see anything you’d never noticed before? Did you see anything familiar in a new light?
- If you had the opportunity to be home-schooled for high school, would you take it? Why or why not?
- What does it mean to have school spirit? How can you show your school spirit?
- Write a funny short story about a 7th-grader whose eager attitude gets them into trouble.
- Have you ever lost a friend? What happened? How did it make you feel?
- If you had to choose three books to take to a desert island, which would you pick and why?
- Why is it important for students to be involved in extracurricular activities?
- Write about a time when being “polite” kept you from saying something you wanted to say. How did that make you feel?
- Write a review about the most recent movie or TV show you loved—and try to convince other people to see it.
- Write a review about the most recent movie or TV show you hated—and try to convince other people not to see it.
- What is your favorite quality about yourself? Why?
- What is your least favorite quality about yourself? How can you try to improve it?
- If you found $500 on the ground, what would you do with it? What if you couldn’t find the owner?
- Write a poem about the way you feel when you sit down to take a test.
- Write about a time when you mistakenly judged someone by his or her appearance. What did you learn?
- Why is space exploration so important in today’s world?
- Write about something you wish you could do more often. What stops you from doing this thing frequently? Is there anything you can do to change that?
- If you could travel back in time and change any one thing about your past, would you? If so, what would you change and why? If not, why wouldn’t you?
- How do you define success?
I hope you enjoyed this list of writing prompts for 7th grade.
In case the above list of writing ideas wasn’t enough to spark your student’s creative muse, here are 30 more ideas:
Bonus List of 30 MORE Prompts and Essay Writing Ideas
Yeppers… here are even more writing prompts for 7th grade writers. This list includes some great essay writing topics.
- Imagine you are an animal in the zoo and write an essay from the animal’s perspective about a typical day.
- What are some of the positive and negative effects of peer pressure on you and your friends?
- How did your life change after you got a smartphone? How would it be different without phone service?
- Write about your experience growing up with the Internet.
(Discover even more Narrative essay writing prompts) - Write a short story about some of your favorite characters.
- Public school compared to private school. Compare and contrast the differences in an essay (discover 31 compare and contrast essay topics).
- Is leadership important to you and do you like to take a leadership role in your life? Why or why not?
- Write an essay on your school leaders and how you view them.
- Small town or a big city… which do you prefer?
- List 10 different types of community service that you could perform this year. Then, choose one that you would like to commit to doing and write about what you will do and why.
- What would you do if one of your classmates was being teased at school? Could your response be considered an act of service? Why or why not?
- Are you assigned too much homework, not enough, just right, or…
- If you could be any famous person, who would you be and why?
- Write a story about a challenging personal experience you’ve gone through and what you learned from it.
- How do the word choices you make each day affect how your feel?
- What is your favorite genre of writing and why?
- If I had a time machine, I’d…
- Write about a local attraction in your community and what makes it unique.
- Is correct punctuation and grammar usage still important in today’s world or are they things of the past?
- What are the family traits you admire most about your family members (siblings, parents, a cousin you are very close to…)
- If you had one superpower, what would it be?
- What is the best prank you could pull on your best friend?
- Write about the differences and similarities between apples and oranges
- If I were a rainbow…
- This is what makes my hometown special…
- Write about what it was like to be a pioneer
- Write about a school rule you strongly agree with and why.
- Find a photograph on your phone that makes you very happy and write a story about it.
- What does it mean to be a hero?
- What are the primary differences between junior and high school students?
More Writing Prompts and Resources for 7th Grade
- 7th Grade Writing Prompts: 32 New Ideas
- 7th Grade Writing Worksheets
- 34 Fun Creative essay writing prompts
- 33 Expository essay writing prompts for Students
- 12 Creative writing essay prompts
Until next time, write on…
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