You asked and we listened. Printable 6th grade writing worksheets are here. Writing is an important part of a child’s education. What they learn as a child and how they learn it will stick with them throughout the rest of their lives.

Are your 6th-graders writing or journaling on a regular basis? I hope so! Journaling helps students work out problems on paper, create new ideas, and work through feelings and emotions in a constructive way. It also provides an outlet for students to experiment creatively with their writing style and to develop a process of healthy, daily reflections.
To help support you in your efforts to provide children with the writing skills they need, we offer you the following free writing resources. Some of the resources are writing worksheets and others are printables. We also share a link to our favorite writing worksheets resource for sixth graders.
If you need fun ways to support your child’s writing skill development, you have come to the right place. We welcome you and hope you enjoy the resources on our blog.
Writing Worksheets for 6th Grade Printables
Use these excellent writing worksheets with the young writers in your classroom today. I know you’ll be glad you did!
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Printable Writing Worksheets for Sixth Graders

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Printable Journal Page for Sixth Graders here!
More Free Grade 6 Writing Resources
6th Grade Journal Prompts — Here you will find a wonderful list of 31 prompts and writing ideas for your grade 6 child.
As sixth graders enter middle school and prepare to become teenagers, many kids find themselves struggling to understand their emotions and to express their changing, unique personalities. It’s a tough time, for sure, but journaling can help students make sense of their experiences and reflect on who they are and where they’re heading next in life.
As your sixth graders explore what inspires them about their heroes and complete writing exercises like a poem about their favorite day of the year, they will become more confident in their thoughts and opinions—and most importantly, they will also enjoy an incredible opportunity to express themselves freely.
Use these 6th-grade journaling prompts to give your students a safe, comfortable space to consider their thoughts and opinions without worrying about judgment from others!

33 Writing Prompts for Middle School: 6th Graders
Sixth grade is a big year—and as your students enter middle school for the first time and begin looking toward high school, it’s more important than ever before to introduce them to activities that promote healthy reflection and self-expression.
Without a doubt, journaling is one of the best tools to guide students through this time of exciting changes and new responsibilities. These new 6th-grade writing prompts are designed to help students think critically about some of the most important issues they face in today’s world.
With questions on topics like bullying and Internet usage, your students will have the chance to reflect on what it means to be a teenager today and how popular culture influences their lives. Additionally, each time students write and reflect, they’ll also become more comfortable expressing their own unique ideas and thoughts—and they’ll experience greater self-esteem as a result.
More Printable Grade 6th Language Arts Worksheets Discover some fabulous resources brought to you by
Let’s Write Creatively
Creative writing sounds inherently as though it should be easy—after all, the word “creative” expresses a sense of freedom and possibility that other, more restrictive forms of writing don’t have.
However, sometimes the lack of boundaries makes it even more difficult to begin writing. Kids are sometimes confused by assignments that don’t have many rules, and they may struggle to begin writing creatively.
The following five tips get the creativity flowing and encourage kids to think outside the page.
1. Promote New Experiences
Encourage kids to pursue other interests besides writing. While it might seem counter-intuitive that the first creative writing tip suggests doing anything but writing, alternative experiences actually promote greater creativity once students return to their desks.
Kids who struggle with writing can find inspiration by enjoying their favorite activities and trying new things. Exposure to a different group of people or a fresh sport offers new perspectives for writing.
2. Don’t Worry About Perfection
Perfection is the greatest enemy of creative writers everywhere. When a person writes about things that matter deeply to him or her, it’s only natural to care about the quality of the finished product. However, people shouldn’t worry about perfection during the early stages of writing.

Students who worry too much about getting a sentence exactly right may become frustrated easily and associate the negativity they feel with writing as a whole. Instead, encourage students to write freely at first and to get as many ideas down as possible. They can go back later and correct mistakes during the editing process.
3. Write about What You Love
Though you might be tempted to give students a particular writing assignment, sometimes it’s best to sit back and let them write about whatever they love most.
Allow students to take a general topic and spin it in any direction that interests them. Most kids will have much more to say and will feel more comfortable writing when they are able to discuss familiar and enjoyable topics.
4. Focus on the Senses
Sensory writing is interesting writing—and focusing on the senses can also help students who are struggling to get started. Give students a setting or situation and ask them to describe what a character experiences through the lens of the five senses. What does the view look like? What noises does the character hear—shouting or the rustling of leaves? Are there any smells in the air? Can the character taste anything—flavored lip balm or perhaps a delicious apple pie? What is the character touching?
5. Set Small Goals
Small, realistic goals for assignments also help kids who are struggling with creative writing. Encourage kids to write for 10 minutes daily or to compose one or two paragraphs. With an end goal in sight, even students who dislike writing will know what they can expect and will have an easier time completing the task. As students get more comfortable with writing, you can slowly increase the length of assignments—and watch as their creativity increases at the same time.
If you enjoyed these resources and Writing Worksheets and Printables for 6th Grade Students, please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest. I appreciate it!
Until next time, keep on practicing those writing skills with your sixth graders…
Journal Buddies Jill
creator and curator