Oh yeah, we have some awesome Positive Journal Prompts for you. You see, each year, people around the world celebrate Positive Thinking Day on September 13th. This very special day is a time to focus on all the good in the world and to look for the silver linings. Now…

These Positive Thinking Day journal prompts are designed especially to help elementary school and middle school kids learn the value of looking on the bright side. But, these ideas may be used by writers of all ages and grades.
That’s because…
Questions on optimism, gratitude, and generosity will get kids thinking about the benefits of positive thinking, while prompts on acts of kindness and morning mantras offer strategic ways to add the practice of positivity into daily life.
Ok, get to it and use these 33 Positive journal prompts and writing ideas to boost your students’ happiness—and to show them the power that a sunshine-y outlook can bring to life.
33 Positive Journal Prompts to Promote Optimism (Inspired by Positive Thinking Day!)
- What is something that always puts you in a good mood?
- What is the best way to lift someone else’s spirits?
- Do you consider yourself to be an optimist? Why or why not?
- Create a morning mantra for yourself that you could use to start each day off right. Write about what it means to you.
- Do you believe that setting a good intention for your day can help you have a better day? Why or why not?
- Imagine your perfect day and write about what it would look like.
- Write about a time when a situation that seemed bad turned out okay in the end.
- Make a gratitude list of everything you’re thankful for this week. Then, choose one thing to write about in detail.
- Who is the most positive person you know? How do you feel when you are around him or her?
- What are a few small things you could do to have a more positive attitude?
- What is your favorite thing about yourself? Write about how it impacts your life.
- Did you know that positive thinking can be good for your physical health? Why do you think this is?
- What is the nicest thing someone has ever said about you? How did it make you feel?
- What would you do if your best friend needed to be cheered up?
- It’s only human to make mistakes! Write about a time when you could have used this reminder.
- Try to keep a smile on your face for as much of the day as possible. Then, write about your experience.
- Do you find it easy to express your feelings? Why or why not?
- What can you do today to make someone else’s day a little better?
- Make a list of positive “I am…” statements that you can read to yourself when you’re feeling sad.
- When you’re in a bad mood or feeling tired, do you prefer to be left alone or spend time with others? Why?
- People say, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” What does this phrase mean to you?
- What do you like to do to make yourself feel better when you’re feeling down? Why?
- What inspires you to be a better person? Why?
- Who can you turn to when you need advice or support? How will that person help you?
- Does your home feel like a positive environment to you? Why or why not?
- What is one negative thing you could easily eliminate from your life?
- Think of one nice thing you can do for a stranger today. Then, write about what you will do.
- Write about a time when you used positive thinking to reframe a negative situation.
- Spend a day doing things more slowly. Then, write about your experience and any changes to your mood that you noticed.
- Think of something that scares you. Then, consider a reason you don’t need to be scared of it and write about your thoughts.
- What is one healthy habit you could maintain each day that would have a positive effect on your life?
- People say, “Laughter is the best medicine.” What is something that always makes you laugh? Does it make you feel better when you are upset?
- Think of something that has bothered you lately. Do you think you will still care about it in a month? Or in a year? Why or why not?
I hope you enjoyed the positive journal prompts. Now check out this list of…
168 More Awesome Free Prompts and Writing Resources for You
- 53 Happy Ideas to Journal About
- 35 Great Gratitude writing prompts/gratitude journal prompts
- Shine Bright: 52 Self Love Journal Prompts to Help Students Thrive
- 68 Wonderful Daily Writing Prompts
A Few Closing Thoughts on Positive Journal Prompts
Positive journal prompts and topics can be used on a daily basis to encourage a positive mindset, give one an opportunity for self-reflection, or serve as an avenue for assessing self-talk.
Oh yeah…
Journaling on a regular basis is a great form of self-care; writers can seek clarity and insight on subjects that have been plaguing them to resolve. Anxiety, depression, and general mental health are often improved through positive journaling.
The hardest thing is getting started – but all that is needed is a pen and a notebook. Set negative thoughts and judgment aside and begin your journal practice today!
Until next time, write on…
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PS Check out this excellent resource –> 10 Quotes for Inspiration to Share for Positive Thinking Day