Shared Journal Writing Prompts & Ideas— Though parents often intend to spend quality time connecting with their kids, it’s easy to get sidetracked by life’s many distractions and responsibilities. However, by scheduling time and activities to share together, you can foster connection and promote a greater sense of self-worth in your child. And journaling is a fun way to do just that! You see…

Many parents use shared journaling to grow closer with their children, as the freedom of a journal notebook page facilitates open communication and shared opinions.
Through shared journaling, you and your child can develop a deeper relationship and a set of memories that you’ll treasure for years to come. Plus, you might just help your child develop a journaling habit that can serve them well throughout life.
Hooray for Topic Ideas for Journal Sharing
In these 55 excellent journal prompts, you and your child can answer questions together and discuss the similarities and differences in your responses.
You’ll reflect on the dynamic of your family and the qualities that define each of you as individuals. Together, you can also examine milestones, past successes, special moments, and future goals.
As you journal, you’ll both become more comfortable expressing your ideas through writing and sharing your deepest thoughts with one another. Journaling also promotes the creative process and improves your child’s self-esteem, as it emphasizes the value of his or her thoughts.
These journal prompts could also serve as conversation starters for the whole family!
Ok, without further ado, here are those….
55 Shared Journal Ideas
Shared journaling is one of the best ways to develop a closer bond with your child. Use these new journal prompts to reflect on the places you’ve been and the places you’ll go together.
1. What is your favorite memory together?
2. What is your greatest responsibility?
3. What will your life look like in 10 years?
4. What is the hardest part of growing up?
5. Write about an interesting person in your family.
6. What values are most important to your family?
7. What does it mean to be part of a family?
8. What kinds of feelings do you associate with your home?
9. What is your greatest fear?
10. Who is your closest friend?
11. Have you ever wished for a second chance?
12. Write about a strong memory or an experience that changed your life.
13. What is your favorite family activity?
14. Is it hard for you to share secrets with other people?
15. Write about a new activity you want to try.
16. What is the greatest lesson you’ve ever learned?
17. What are your dreams for the future?
18. Who is your greatest hero?
19. What has your family done well this year?
20. How do you feel when you try new things?
21. How does your family handle arguments? Does this strategy work well?
22. What does it mean to be a good parent?
23. What does it mean to be a good child?
24. Write about one of your strongest beliefs.
25. How should family members help one another?
26. What is something you would like to learn about?
27. Write about your favorite place.
28. What does inspiration feel like?
29. How do you feel when you help another person?
30. Where would you like to go for a family vacation?
31. How can your family become involved in the community?
32. What kind of feelings do you get from your neighborhood?
33. Is there a difference between a “house” and a “home”?
34. What are some of your family’s greatest successes?
35. Describe yourself in five words. Why did you choose these descriptions?
36. Describe your parent/child in five words. Why did you choose these descriptions?
37. How have your favorite activities changed since you were younger?
38. Is there anyone in your extended family that you’d like to get to know better?
39. How do you feel when someone hurts you?
40. How does your home reflect your family?
41. How do you feel when you come up with a new idea?
42. Write about a favorite childhood memory.
43. Write about the impact you want to have on the world.
44. How do you feel when you journal?
45. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you like to meet? What would you say to him or her?
46. Why is it important to work hard?
47. What does it feel like to have a dream?
48. Is it hard to ask for forgiveness?
49. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
50. How are you similar to your parents?
51. What are your family’s goals?
52. Do you like your family’s arrangement for chores? Could it be improved in any way?
53. Write a letter to your future self. How do you think you will change in that time?
54. How do you fit into your family’s dynamic?
55. How has journaling with your parent/child improved your relationship?
I hope you enjoyed these shared journal ideas.
More Journal Sharing Resources

A Few Thoughts on Shared Journaling
There are so many types of journals that one can keep: a relationship journal, love journal, or gratitude journal could be shared, as could a digital journal. There are journal templates, diary app choices, and digital devices of all sort for journaling.
Of course, there is also a paper journal and a pen (which just so happens to be my favorite form of journal keeping!).
However you and your child decide to journal, just know that…
A shared journal with your child is be a great way for you to check-in with your teen about mental health, mood, and healthy habits and give positive or constructive feedback to them.
It can also be an excellent way to facilitate a low pressure way to “chat”.
Ok, that’s all for today.
Now check out this…
The following article was first published on our blog on March 20, 2012 and may still be of interest to you today. Enjoy!
Journal Share Benefits for Parents & Children
Insights on Shared Journaling— Between hectic schedules and the distraction of electronic communication, parents and kids sometimes have trouble finding the time to connect. However, the relationship you share with your child is one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have, and it deserves nurturing.
Shared journaling is one of the best ways to care for your relationship with your child. Through shared journaling, you can connect with your child, improve his or her self-esteem, and encourage creativity.
Kids and parents get to know each other better and become more comfortable sharing secrets, emotions, and new ideas. While your child might be going through tough years as a tween or teenager, shared journaling creates a safe space where the two of you can connect openly.
As promised, here are those four fabulous reasons why shared journaling is a wonderful activity for you and your child. Enjoy!
4 Tips on Journaling with Your Child
Connecting with Your Child through a Shared Journal
To create a shared journal, it’s important for you and your child to write in the same book or to share your journal entries with one another. Many parents and children use journal prompts to get their ideas flowing. You can both use the same prompt and see how your responses are similar and different, or you can try writing in response to one another. The possibilities of shared journaling are endless, but they all lead in the same direction. During the process, you and your child will develop a closer bond and learn more about one another’s ideas.
Improving Your Child’s Self Esteem
Shared journaling offers opportunities for connection, but it also can raise a child’s self-esteem. The shared space allows your child to see that his or her thoughts are just as important and valid as yours, which ultimately gives your child a greater sense of value and responsibility. By treating your child’s opinions with respect and consideration, you encourage creativity and innovative ideas.
The Value of Creative Expression
The journaling process also helps both children and parents to become more comfortable expressing their ideas. Treat your shared journal as a safe space where both you and your child are free to write about any thought that occurs. You’ll both be surprised by the new ideas you come up with and the conversations that arise.
Thinking through a new idea on the page is also a great way for kids to learn about the way they process thoughts, as it helps them to become clearer on their own ideas and opinions. Adults can also benefit from the burst of creative energy that journaling provides. This creativity fuels productivity and inspires relationships in all areas of your life.
Bonds That Last a Lifetime
The bond formed on the pages of your shared journal will last you and your child for your entire lives. Your experiences in shared journaling will undoubtedly become some of your most cherished memories as your child grows older. The journal itself serves as a powerful keepsake, a reminder of deep connections and safe sharing. Most importantly, as your child becomes more independent and grows into adulthood, the lessons and ideas you’ve shared through journaling will serve as a positive influence on his or her life.
I hope this information has convinced you to begin a shared journal with your child. You’ll be glad you did!
Until next time, write on…
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