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31 Fabulous Finish the Story Writing Prompts by Grade Level

Finish the Story Writing Prompts by Grade Level: 31 Creative Ideas to Spark Students’ Imaginations — Creative writing can be energizing, invigorating, therapeutic, and downright enjoyable, but sometimes we all need a little help getting started. That’s where finish the story writing prompts can come into play.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts

These prompts are slightly different from other journal prompts because they actually provide you with the first part of the story. If you are assigning one of these prompts to your class, each student will begin their story in the same way, but you will be amazed at how different each tale is once complete. 

Use these finish the story writing prompts by grade level to make the process of storytelling more fun in your classroom.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for 1st Grade

First grade students are just beginning to understand the fundamentals of writing and storytelling , so these prompts will become a trusted and valuable resource in your classroom .

  • Your best friend has received an invite to a birthday party, but you did not. You feel sad and lonely.
  • The principal hears a loud, booming knock  and looks out the front door of the school. Dinosaurs have arrived for class.
  • Your pet looks at you, and says “Hello.” You are stunned to realize that your pet can talk.
  • Three kids are playing on the playground, and suddenly, one of them gets hurt.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade

As second grade students build upon their foundational writing skills, they will become more excited about the idea of incorporating their own ideas into their writing.

  • As you finish packing your bags, the excitement begins to hit. You are about to go on your best vacation yet.
  • It seemed like it was all a dream, but he soon realized it was not. He had woke up on another planet.
  • Yesterday, everything seemed perfectly normal in the second grade classroom. But today, everything was all wrong. And it was all her fault.
  • It seemed as if the backyard garden was perfectly average, with carrots growing beneath the soil and peppers rising toward the sun. No one would have suspected that the produce in that garden had magical powers.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

Third grade kids often work on journals throughout the day, which can make finish the story prompts the perfect addition to your lesson plans.

  • She wanted to be the main character in the school play, but she was disappointed to find out that she didn’t get a part.
  • It was his favorite book. He would read it over and over again when he was a child. But he wouldn’t be reading that book again.
  • The pirates had a map, and they were sure it would lead to the sunken treasure. Little did they know, there would be plenty of roadblocks along the way.
  • You were just trying to use Google in the classroom to do research for your school report. You didn’t expect to uncover a secret that no one could know.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

As they begin to understand their own ideas and opinions, fourth grade students are often naturally motivated to write. You will find a wide range of stories when you rely on these prompts.

  • Her mom had given her the special gift when she walked out the door for school. She knew she had to hold on tight to this precious present.
  • You went down into the basement to find an old toy, but you did not expect to see that.
  • Aliens are science fiction. You know that. There is no way an alien could have arrived on the playground from another planet. Yet… there it was. It looked so strange.
  • They decided that together, they would become a team of spies who would save the school from certain disaster.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for 5th Grade

Fifth grade students have spent the whole of elementary school developing their writing skills, and they are ready to take on more challenging and interesting finish the story writing prompts.

  • Middle school would be full of essay writing and pop quizzes. He didn’t want to go to middle school. He wanted to stay at Watson Elementary forever. He made it his mission to invent a time machine.
  • Right now, her dream of becoming a scientist was only a fantasy. But she had a plan to make her dreams come true… if only someone would believe in her.
  • I blinked once. Then twice. I shook my head. This couldn’t be true. My life had been transformed into a video game.
  • The pens had been locked up in her teacher’s desk. They seemed like perfectly average pens, but there was a reason that they were being hidden from the rest of the kids.
Finish the Story Writing Prompts and Ideas By Grade

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for Middle Schools (6th, 7th and 8th Grades)

Middle schoolers can effectively explore their own ideas through writing exercises, which is what makes these story starter prompts so valuable.

  • She had always known that she was destined for a life full of magic. She had been practicing her whole life, in hopes of getting to this very point. 
  • The cats were congregating in one corner of the room. It was as if they were up to something, and that couldn’t be good.
  • It had started out as an ordinary day in middle school. But it quickly became a day that they would remember for the rest of their lives.
  • He wasn’t sure what he expected of his family vacation to Europe, but it certainly wasn’t this. There was, all alone in some ancient house in the countryside, and he had no idea how he was going to get out.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for High Schools (9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Grades)

As high school students begin to develop the collegiate-level writing skills they need, they may begin to forget just how enjoyable writing can be. These story writing prompts will remind them.

  • High school was supposed to be a time for making friends, mistakes and memories. Why couldn’t she just have a typical high school experience, like everyone else? Why did she have to be one of the spies?
  • His creativity was stunted. The piece was half finished, and there was no way that he could move forward.
  • I had heard this story a million times before in all of the most typical romance novels. Love didn’t work like this. This was never going to last.
  • As they got to work serving patrons at the local waterfront restaurant, two best friends laughed, knowing that the summer of a lifetime lay ahead of them. But that’s when he walked through the sliding door and onto the deck.

Finish the Story Writing Prompts for Adults

Adults have a tendency to lose touch with their imaginative sides, but these finish the story writing prompts can help them remember just who beneficial it can be to sit down and craft a story of their own.

  • It was the last thing she ever expected to see in her inbox. Apparently she had won, and her life was about to change forever.
  • For a team of reluctant writers, they sure had crafted something special. Now, to get it to the publisher. This was going to rock the world.
  • The last time he saw her was decades ago. A lifetime of defining moments and memorable experiences created a vast expanse between them. Yet, somehow, it was as if nothing had changed.

Story starters can be the exact tool that you — or your students — need to get started on their most inventive and imaginative story yet! Use these resources for your next writing activity, and you will see for yourself how quickly the words start flowing. It’s the best way to always keep on writing.

148 More Free Writing Prompts

Until next time, write on…

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Finish the Story Writing Ideas by Grade

PS Check out this helpful resource—> Story Writing Worksheets by Grade

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