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30 Life Skills Journal Prompts for Students

Life Skills Journal Prompts:What Middle Schoolers Need to Know That They Often Do Not Learn in School— These 30 life skills writing prompts are designed to teach your middle schoolers a number of valuable life skills. Take a look and use the ideas with your learners today. i know you’ll be glad you did.

Life Skills Journal Prompts and Writing Ideas for Middle School Writers

Oh yeah!

Kids learn all kinds of valuable things in school—but between arithmetic and science classes, some important life skills simply don’t make it into the curriculum. 


You can help your students learn the valuable life skills they need before entering into adulthood with these all-new life skills for kids writing prompts.

You see…

Though some of these lessons will be taught at home, many students will make it into their adult lives without ever having learned basic skills like how a credit card works or what to do if someone needs CPR.

That’s why…

The lessons in these activities include all sorts of things that simply aren’t always taught in schools—everything from what to do if a fire breaks out while cooking to the components of a good apology. 

As they learn, practice, and reflect on these valuable skills, your middle schoolers will become more well-rounded and prepared for the years ahead.

Alrighty, here’s that list of life skills writing prompts for kids. Enjoy!

30 Life Skills for Kids Writing Prompts

  1. Partner with a friend and conduct mock job interviews. Then write about your experience.
  2. Research something you can do to help less fortunate members of your community—and then go out and do it. After, write about your experience.
  3. At dinner, sit down with your parents and ask them about their days. Try to listen and ask interesting questions.  Then write about your experience.
  4. Call a local store or restaurant to find out when they are open and if they have any specials. Then write about your experience.
  5. Ask your parents to go over their budget with you and learn how much things like your family’s home, food, and car cost. Then write about what you learned.
  6. Research budget-friendly cars for teens, car insurance costs, and gas prices and estimate what you could be paying in a few years. Then write about what you learned.
  7. What would you do if you needed to make $100 in a short period of time? How will your opportunities change over the next few years?  Write about what you know.
  8. What makes someone a good friend? Interview three people and then write about what you learned from their answers.
  9. What makes someone a good romantic partner? Interview three people and then write about what you learned from their answers.
  10. Research the US voting system and write about what you learned. What are the pros and cons of the current system?
  11. Think of one thing you frequently use technology to do—and then do it the old-fashioned way instead. Then write about your experience.
  12. Go to the library and use encyclopedias and physical books to research a topic of your choice. Then write about your experience.
  13. How do credit cards work? Is there a good way to use them?  What is a credit score?  Research these topics and write about what you learned.
  14. Find a cooking tutorial online and make a new recipe on your own. Then write about your experience.
  15. Learn how to sew, knit, or crochet a few basic stitches. Then write about your experience.
    Help your students learn the valuable life skills they need before entering into adulthood with these all-new life skills for kids writing prompts.
  16. What are the safest ways to handle and use knives in the kitchen? Research and write about what you learned.
  17. What makes a good apology? Look up the components of a good apology online and practice them.  Then write about your experience.
  18. What is the proper way to set a table? Research and then practice setting the table for family dinner.  Then write about what you learned.
  19. What are the most effective methods of self-defense a young person can learn? Research this topic and write about what you learned.
  20. How do alcohol and drugs impact your brain? Research this topic and write about what you learned.
  21. What should you do if someone tries to pressure you into something you don’t want to do? Write about how you would handle the situation and then discuss with your classmates.
  22. How do you perform CPR? Learn about the procedure and write about what you would do in this type of situation.
  23. How do you perform the Heimlich maneuver? Learn about the procedure and write about what you would do in this type of situation.
  24. How well do you manage your time? Write down a schedule of what you do in an average day or week and reflect on what you could improve.
  25. What should you do if you or someone you know seems depressed? Explain how you would handle the situation and discuss with your classmates.
  26. What are some basic cleaning skills everyone should know? Ask your parents for their best tips and then write about what you learned.
  27. What are the most important things to consider when choosing a college? Research this topic and write about what you learned.
  28. What should you do if you feel unsafe in a public place? Research this topic and write about what you learned.
  29. What should you do if you are cooking and a fire starts? Write about how you would handle the situation.
  30. What should you do if someone does something after you expressly asked them not to? Write about how you would handle the situation.

Hopefully you and your writers enjoyed this list of life skills journal prompts.

117 More Related Journal Prompt Ideas

Now, lets explore…

21 More Life Skills Journal Prompts and Topic Ideas

In addition to the 30 life skills journal prompts listed above, here are even more life skills writing ideas to inspire student writers of all ages from middles school to high school. and beyond. Enjoy!

  1. Difficult emotions: Describe a time when you experienced a difficult emotion. How did you manage it? What coping mechanisms helped you cope?
  2. Mental health: What does mental health mean to you? How do you prioritize your mental well-being? What are some ways you can take care of your mental health?
  3. Habit: What is a habit you want to break or form? What steps can you take to make a change? How can you track your progress and stay motivated?
  4. Creativity: How do you express your creativity? What are some ways you can foster your creativity? What challenges do you face when trying to be creative?
  5. Self-management: What are your strengths and weaknesses in terms of self-management? How do you manage your time, tasks, and priorities? What are some ways you can improve your self-management skills?
  6. Self-discovery: What are your values? What are your passions? What are your goals? How can you continue to learn and grow as a person?
  7. Self-reflection: What are some of your personality traits? How do you interact with others? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How can you use self-reflection to improve yourself?
  8. Future self: What do you want your life to look like in five years? What are your goals for the future? What steps can you take today to achieve your goals?
  9. Self-care: What are some of your self-care practices? What activities make you feel happy, relaxed, and rejuvenated? How can you make time for self-care in your busy life?
  10. Personal growth: What are some areas of your life where you want to grow? What are some challenges you are facing? What are some ways you can overcome these challenges and achieve your goals?
  11. Personality traits: What are some of the personality traits you admire in others? What are some personality traits you would like to develop in yourself? How can you cultivate these traits?
  12. Aspect of your life: Choose an aspect of your life that you want to improve. What steps can you take to make a change? How can you track your progress and stay motivated?
  13. Self-awareness: What are your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? How do you respond to different situations? How can you become more self-aware?
  14. Last time: Think about the last time you made a responsible decision. What was the situation? What factors did you consider when making your decision? How did you feel about your decision?
  15. Responsible decision-making: What are the steps involved in making a responsible decision? What factors should you consider when making a decision? How can you avoid making impulsive decisions?
  16. Social awareness: What does social awareness mean to you? How can you be more aware of the needs and feelings of others? What are some ways you can show compassion and empathy?
  17. Relationship skills: What are some important relationship skills? How can you communicate effectively in your relationships? How can you resolve conflict in a healthy way?
  18. Piece of advice: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? How has it helped you in your life? What advice would you give to your younger self?
  19. Life change: Describe a time when you experienced a major life change. How did you cope with the change? What lessons did you learn?
  20. Self-confidence: What are some of your strengths? What accomplishments are you proud of? How can you build your self-confidence?
  21. Next year: What are your goals for next year? How can you break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps? What can you do today to get started?

Ok, that’s all for today. I hope these two lists of life skills journal prompts and writing ideas are helpful for you and/or your writers.

Until next time, write on…

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Help your students learn the valuable life skills they need before entering into adulthood with these all-new life skills for kids writing prompts.

PS Check out this helpful resource—> Free Life Skills Curriculum

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