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77 Quick and Fun New Year Journal Prompts

New Year Journal Prompts for Elementary Writing Ideas for the New Year— The start of a new year is the perfect time for students to reflect on all of the places they have been, the things they have done, and all that was experienced during the previous year. Now, you can see and use these wonderful New Year prompts to make writing a new habit in the new year!

New Year Journal Prompts

Yes, we have lots of…

Fun Writing Prompts for the New Year

The New Year or January 1st is a great time to look forward to new beginnings, opportunities, changes, and setting goals for the coming year.

And, elementary writing via journaling is the perfect tool for the task! 

You see…

The elementary writing list of 77 journal prompts shown below will:

Help kids to think about their greatest successes, favorite memories, and lessons learned throughout the past year. 

This is why it is time to…

Prep and Get Excited About the NEW Possibilities

New Year’s is an exciting time for any student to experience pride for the past and anticipation for what is yet to come. It is also a great topic for your elementary writing lessons during the early part of the year.

And now our list of writing ideas will…

Help you get your elementary kids thinking about what they hope to accomplish during the next year and the rest of the school year with set intentions and personal goals.


Your kids will explore what they would like to learn or experience and what other events they are excited about in the upcoming year.

Yeppers! New Year’s is a great opportunity to reinforce the value of achievement and positive recognition. Whether your students are making New Year’s resolutions of their own or are reflecting on their accomplishments from the previous year, now is the time to do it.

Ok, let’s get to those writing prompt ideas. Enjoy and Happy New Year to all!

New Year Journal Prompts for Elementary Writing
77 Exciting Ideas

  1. My family’s new year’s traditions
  2. Next year, I want to _______________
  3. The best thing I accomplished this year
  4. The one word to describe my next year will be ________, and this is why…
  5. How can I describe last year?
  6. How might I use my journal to keep track of my resolutions?
  7. Why do we celebrate new year’s?
  8. I start my countdown for the new year at _________
  9. What if when midnight struck, the same year started over again?
  10. What is my one wish for the world during the new year?
  11. The best thing to do to start off the new year is ____________
  12. The most exciting thing I did all year long
  13. How will I keep my new year’s resolutions?
  14. How can I thank someone who helped me last year?
  15. Every new year, I like to____________
  16. Make a list of 15 words the new year makes you think about – why do these words come to mind?
  17. What is something I could do to make my room or house look ready for the new year?
  18. New year’s is the best time to ____________
  19. My favorite game last year
  20. My favorite way to spend the new year
  21. Why are resolutions so important?
  22. In five years, I will be ______________
  23. The silliest way to ring in the new year
  24. My favorite year ever was _________
  25. Something I did last year that I want to do again this year is __________
  26. When my parents taught me about new year’s, they said _________
  27. Why do people make new year’s resolutions?
  28. The most important thing that journaling has taught me this year
  29. Fireworks on new year’s are ______
  30. If I could be anywhere in the world at midnight on new year’s eve, I would go to _________
  31. I love to celebrate new year’s by _______
  32. If everyone could _________ during the new year, then the world would be a better place
  33. What would it be like to fly around to different parts of the world on new year’s eve?
  34. Last year was successful because __________
  35. How do people around the world celebrate the new year?
    New Year Journal Prompts for Kids
  36. The best new year’s resolution I ever made was __________
  37. I can’t wait until __________ happens next year
  38. My favorite place last year
  39. New year’s is the time to ________
  40. What were the best things that happened during the last year?
  41. Last year, I celebrated the new year by _______
  42. The most important resolution I ever kept
  43. My favorite part of school last year
  44. The best month of last year was _________
  45. What is one regular practice I would like to adopt next year?
  46. Where does the new year’s baby come from?
  47. How could I explain new years to someone younger than me?
  48. I will miss last year because __________
  49. My favorite toy to play with last year
  50. The nicest thing I did last year
  51. I love to watch the ball drop on television because ________
  52. How can I use my journal this year to watch the way I grow?
  53. In the new year, I will ____________
  54. Something I would change about last year is ________
  55. At midnight, I will __________
  56. Five things that will change about me next year are _________
  57. Five things that changed about me during the last year are _________
  58. The thing I was most excited about last year was _________
  59. Resolutions are ____________
  60. My best friends last year were _________ because ____________
  61. I was excited when I learned about _________ last year
  62. The best journal entry I wrote last year
  63. On new year’s, I will wear ________
  64. The hardest thing I had to do last year
  65. I think the best way to celebrate the new year is __________
  66. Something I’m looking forward to next year is __________
  67. The most interesting person I met last year
  68. My favorite part of the year is ___________
  69. How will I “ring” in the new year?
  70. I’m thankful that ________ happened last year
  71. When I think about people across the world starting the new year earlier, I think ________
  72. One resolution that I really want to keep
  73. Something that I didn’t want to do last year, but that I’m glad I did, is __________
  74. The best new year’s celebration ever
  75. Something that I put off doing last year that I want to do this year
  76. My biggest goal for next year
  77. The most important thing that happened all year

A Few Final Thoughts…

While our list of New Year’s prompts was created with the younger grades in mind, the prompts may easily be used by middle school or older students, too. Kids of all ages can set (and meet!) big goals, establish new routines, practice self care, create a new daily writing ritual, or gain clarity when they journal with these New Year writing prompts.

If you’re looking for more journaling prompts, you are in just the right place – you’ll find many categories of journal writing prompts, from silly to serious. You can use your journal to write about your dream job, new year goals, or even about fun activities that you’d like to try in the future. If you’ve tried journaling before and lost your motivation, the new year can be a fresh start!

Now, get to it, and…

Have your students grab their pens and pencils and journal topics, it’s time to open that notebook and write. Here’s to starting the new year off on a positive note with a nice dose of self-reflection and loads of new habits to boot!

Until next time, write on…

If you enjoyed these Elementary Writing Ideas for the New Year,
please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!

creator and curator

97 More New Year Writing Prompts

77 Quick and Fun New Year Journal Prompts for Kids

PS – check out these awesome printable resources – New Year’s Printable Writing Prompts for Kids and New Year Worksheets (Printables)!

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5 thoughts on “77 Quick and Fun New Year Journal Prompts”

  1. I like #9: what if, when midnight struck, the same year started over again? Would I be given the opportunity to change things, if given the twin gifts of hindsight and foresight? Interesting thought!

  2. Janet, I appreciate your thoughts and your willingness to share your feedback with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!

    Most sincerely,

  3. Referring to your first comment above, Jill, you’re more than welcome! I truly enjoy checking in to see what’s new! I find your articles and ideas so inspiring in my own day-to-day life!

    Back to prompt#9, I think I’ll apply that to my own writing goals this year! With hindsight and foresight, what will I focus on, in terms of my writing projects: my website, a collection of poems, a series of young adult novellas?

    It’ll be an exciting year indeed!

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