Wellness journal prompts for health journaling: What are some health journaling ideas? We answer this question with the 60 health and wellness journal prompts in this blog post. Best of all…

Below, you’ll find 4 lists of wellness journal prompts and writing ideas, including one on mental health journal prompts, another about feelings and emotions, a third on specific topics about mindset and thoughts and a brand-new 4th list on daily health journal prompts.
Take a look now.
- Using Health and Wellness Journal Prompts
- Wellness Journal Prompts List #1 – 19 Health Journaling Ideas for Mental Health
- Wellness Journal Prompts List #2 – 21 Feelings Journal Prompts
- Wellness Journal Prompts List #3 – 20 Mindset and Thought Journal Prompts
- Health Journal Prompts List #4– 17 Daily Writing Ideas
- 11 More Excellent Wellness Journal Prompts and Health Journaling Resources for You
You see…
Self Care and Physical Health in our Daily Lives
All 60 of these health and wellness journal prompts may be used as inspiration for traditional journal keeping (think notebook and pen or faux leather cover type of journal). If pen and paper is not your thing, perhaps you’d prefer to use these ideas in a bullet journal or digital journal of some sort.
Whatever journaling format you choose just be sure to use one that works best for a child’s — or your — personal health and wellness journey. Yes!
Engagement and personal interest in journal keeping is key to your success.
Using Health and Wellness Journal Prompts
Writing thoughts down on paper can be very therapeutic and students need to learn to examine and deal with their thoughts to encourage optimal mental health as they become adults.
In fact…
Journaling is proven to improve mental health and reduce stress, plus it can become an amazing and healthy coping mechanism in one’s daily life.
Of course, when kids are trying to write about their thoughts or feelings, it’s can sometimes be a challenge for them to know where to begin. Indeed, it begs the question, how do they start digging into their feelings and thoughts with health journaling? Well, to make things a bit easier, give students health journal prompts to get them thinking and help them get started.
This is why…
I’ve put together some excellent health and wellness journal prompts that students can use to become more skilled at expressing their thoughts and feelings (all while improving their writing skills to boot!).
Ok, let’s take a look at this first list of wellness journal prompts.
Wellness Journal Prompts List #1 – 19 Health Journaling Ideas for Mental Health
- What are your biggest fears and what is the worst thing that could happen if those fears come true?
- What are the things that make you feel relaxed and at peace?
- When I feel overwhelmed, what feels most important to me is…
- The most important thing in my life is…
- What are things in life that are making you feel frustrated?
- What things inspire you?
- Write about a secret wish that you have for your life.
- What are five things that you are grateful for right now?
- What things can you remember when you are going through tough times?
- Write about something you can do to step out of your comfort zone this week.
- What are five good reasons you should not give up?
- Discuss several things you have accomplished this month. How do these accomplishments make you feel?
- What can you do regularly to have a more positive attitude?
- What activities, practices, or places make you feel alive?
- Write about a time when you showed bravery and strength.
- Discuss something you stopped doing that was really good for you. Should you start doing it again?
- What things are challenging you in your life right now?
- What are some areas where you could show more patience with yourself?
- Recognize and then write about some areas where you could use some help.
Use these wellness journal prompt ideas today and experience their potent, positive effects.
Now, for some more wellness journal prompts, check out this list of ideas that focus on feelings…
Wellness Journal Prompts List #2 – 21 Feelings Journal Prompts
- What are some of the feelings I’ve been experiencing often lately?
- What things are making me feel stressed right now?
- What kinds of feelings do I want to experience more of in my life?
- Which people or what projects and activities bring me feelings of meaning, connection, and joy?
- Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself. What did you do and how did it make you feel?
- How are you feeling at the moment? Write about those feelings in detail.
- What makes you feel angry? Why do those things make you feel angry?
- How can you better deal with feelings of anger?
- Who do you love? What makes you love them so much?
- What things in life do you feel most passionate about?
- Write about a recent conflict or argument you had and how it made you feel.
- Is there something that makes you feel guilty? Why? What can you do to forgive yourself?
- Write an honest letter to a person who hurt your feelings. Tell them how you feel.
- What things in life make you feel at peace?
- Write about things that make you cry or make you feel like crying.
- What are some positive ways you can deal with feeling sad?
- Write about something you did that made you feel afraid. Once you did it, how did you feel?
- How do you feel when someone recognizes your achievements?
- Write about the greatest feeling you’ve ever experienced.
- What things in life make you feel happiest?
- Do you think happiness is a feeling or a choice?
Use your journal as an outlet for a bad day or negative emotions, or to give yourself some boosts of positivity.
Now, let’s explore some mindest and thought-based wellness journal prompts.
Wellness Journal Prompts List #3 – 20 Mindset and Thought Journal Prompts
- What thoughts are limiting you in life?
- If you have negative thoughts, what can you do to get rid of them?
- How do your thoughts impact your relationships with other people?
- Think about the people you spend the most time with. How are they affecting your life?
- Write your thoughts on the people you admire most.
- Think about your favorite music. What are your favorite songs? How do they make you feel?
- Write down the first things you think of when you think of happiness.
- If you were able to change something about yourself, what would it be? Why?
- Do you think you can change the way you think to be more successful?
- What was a childhood dream you always thought about when you were young? Do you still have that dream?
- How do the movies or shows you watch affect your thoughts?
- Do you think that playing video games affects your thoughts?
- How do your friends affect the way that you think? Do they have a positive or negative influence on your thoughts?
- Write about your thoughts on success. What does success mean to you?
- Do fearful thoughts keep you from doing things in your life?
- What do you think about yourself? Do you have positive or negative thoughts about yourself?
- What do you think are your best strengths?
- What do you think are your greatest weaknesses? Can you do anything about them?
- How can you turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts?
- Do you think positive thinking makes a difference?
Use these wellness journal prompts to affect a positive mindset and mental state for yourself.
Health Journal Prompts List #4– 17 Daily Writing Ideas
Here is a list of health journal prompts that you can use to track your daily health and well-being:
- Physical health:
- What did I eat today?
- How much water did I drink today?
- Did I get enough sleep last night?
- Did I get any exercise today?
- How do I feel physically today?
- Mental health:
- How am I feeling emotionally today?
- What are my thoughts and worries today?
- What are my stressors today?
- How can I manage my stress today?
- What am I grateful for today?
- Spiritual health:
- What brings me peace and joy today?
- How can I connect with my spirituality today?
- What are my values and beliefs today?
- How can I live a more meaningful life today?
- Overall well-being:
- What are my goals for my health and well-being?
- What steps can I take to achieve my goals?
- How can I support my overall health and well-being?
These are just a few examples of health journal prompts that you can use. You can also create your own prompts based on your individual needs and goals. Journaling can be a helpful way to track your health and well-being, and it can also be a great way to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Before I close out this blog post section, take a look at…
Some additional tips for journaling about your health:
- Be honest with yourself.
- Don’t be afraid to express your emotions.
- Be patient with yourself. It takes time to build a journaling habit.
- Have fun! Journaling can be a great way to express your creativity and explore your thoughts and feelings.
I hope you enjoyed these four lists of health and wellness journal prompts.
Now check out these…
11 More Excellent Wellness Journal Prompts and Health Journaling Resources for You
- 35 Great Gratitude Journal Prompts
- 19 Expressive Writing Prompts
- Therapeutic journaling: How to journal for therapy tips and prompts
- Journal Prompts for Anxiety + Free Printables
- Journal Prompts for Depression
- 30 Mental Health Prompts for Kids
- Shine Bright: 52 Self Love Journal Prompts to Help Students Thrive
- Confidence and Self-Esteem Journaling + 40 Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection Self Awareness
- Food Journal for Healthy Weight Loss
- 22 Awesome Affirmations for Journaling
- 55 Argumentative Essay Topics About Mental Health
Create a new habit (or morning routine), shift your mood, keep a personal therapy journal, improve your mental well-being, experience greater clarity, and more. Oh yeah… These are just some of the many incredible positive effects of health and wellness journaling!
Ok, that’s all for today.
If you enjoyed these Health and Wellness Journal Prompts, please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!
creator and curator

The following content on Keeping a Health Journal was first published on this blog in 2011.
Journal Ideas – Health Journal
A health journal is a fabulous place to keep track of all aspects of one’s health, from issues to habits, and improvements to challenges. Of course, a health journal may be used by kids and adults alike.
If you are a health-conscious person looking to create a healthier lifestyle, maintaining a health journal will help keep your thoughts, conditions, and anything else related to your overall well-being organized.
Journal Ideas for Kids Health Journals
Keeping a health journal is just one of many wonderful journaling ideas a child can start using in the New Year. Say for example that a child needs to reference information from her doctor, she can keep it or write it in her health journal and even keep records of past and future visits with her primary doctor or other physicians or health care practitioners she happens to visit.
When writing in a health journal, kids should keep track of any illnesses or injuries that have occurred, any hospitalizations, surgeries, or even any trips to the school nurse they’ve had recently.
This is especially pertinent to athletes or those children who are dealing with a personal medical condition.
Health/Wellness Journaling with Kids
Another idea is to track in a health journal any kind of food or medicine that a child is allergic to; medications, vitamins, or supplements that they are currently taking; and their family health history. This will encourage the child to begin taking an active part in understanding and tracking their health — a habit that will serve her well throughout her lifetime!
If the child is a student-athlete trying to keep in top condition for the team, a health journal can help her keep track of her daily routines, practices, times, and any other things that relate to an athletic life. If she is on the track, swim, or dance team, a health journal can help her keep track of routines, diet, and any exercises she needs to do in order to strengthen her body.
Once a child becomes successful and confident in her health journal keeping, she can try to encourage her teammates, coach, and others to do the same. She could challenge everyone to keep a health journal and help each other to stay on track. (Hint: Students, if you have any problems with this, ask your parents, coach, health teacher, or doctor to help you organize and launch your idea into action.)
Health Journal Benefits and Outcomes
As a child looks back on her past history in athletics, diets, or sports, she will be able to see how her body has changed and what kind of health conditions were affected by which actions. The child will also see how much healthier they have become and how keeping a health journal can offer valuable insights into one’s overall health and health-centered actions and activities. These are just a few of the incredible benefits of journaling.
If your child wants to start a health journal, the best time to do so is now (or as soon as possible). Children are encouraged to talk to their parents and other relatives about their illnesses and sicknesses and if they have any records that they have kept in the past related to their health so that they can keep an accurate, complete health record.
The child may also want to find out information about their own illnesses from past records, or keep track of health challenges such as weight management.
Children should also speak to their parents about anything related to their health and ask for their help and guidance. Once a child has accomplished this, she will feel safe knowing that her health is recorded and kept for future reference and for continued and improved health and well-being.
The benefits of keeping a journal are vast, and keeping a health journal is no exception. The journal ideas one may use are truly endless, and the key is to choose a topic that engages your interest. This way you help ensure that you’ll continue on in your journal writing efforts.
Until next time, happy journaling…
This is an excellent idea, and one that research bears out! Studies have shown that people- kids and adults alike- who keep health journals actually do develop better physical health. The act of writing allows one to pay closer attention to what is needed for better health and to act upon that knowledge.