If you’re looking for great summer writing prompts for 2nd-grade students, we have them— Oh yes, we have a wonderfully fun list of writing prompts and some bonus writing ideas for you, too. Take a look and enjoy!

Hooray for Summer Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade
Students who will be entering 2nd grade in the fall have just begun to develop their writing skills. They spent much of the last school year working on spelling, grammar, and writing complete sentences. By the end of the school year, they were stringing those sentences together and trying to form complete thoughts.
In the early elementary years, it is so important that students continue practicing their writing as much as possible. We suggest that students going into 2nd grade continue writing throughout the entire summer. While this may be a bit of a challenge, parents could make sure that it feels like a fun afternoon activity, rather than a chore.
It’s a good idea to have your second-grade students avoid the summer slide. To do so, they will need to work on correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
And now…
You can use our list of summer writing prompts for 2nd grade to do just that. Plus… your writers will learn about different styles of writing and the parts that are required for a complete paragraph.
Ok, without further ado let’s get to that list of fun and fabulous Summer Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade. Enjoy!
18 Summer Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade
Enjoy these 2nd-grade writing prompts that are perfect for summertime.
- Start your summer journal off by writing about three things you want to do with your family during summer vacation. What are you looking forward to the most about summer?
- Your younger sibling is going to be starting kindergarten in the fall. Write a letter to them about what they will be doing at school each day.
- Write about your favorite book that your teacher read to you in first grade. Why was that your favorite book? Did you have a favorite character?
- Imagine that you are going camping this summer. Write a packing list, and explain why you need to bring those items with you.
- Write a fictional story about two friends who are playing on the playground on a summer day.
- Write a story about a 2nd-grade student who found out a friend was feeling sad. How did that make your character feel? What did they do to help their friend feel better?
- If you could use any mode of transportation to get to school each day, what would it be? Why would you choose that type of transportation?
- You are planning to go on vacation with your family, but you have to leave your family pet behind. Your neighbor is going to take care of your pet for you while you are gone. Write directions for how to care for your pet each day.
- What would you do if you had the opportunity to be the teacher for the day at school? What rules would your classroom have? What subject would you teach?
- What would you do if your summer vacation was a trip to space? Where would you want to go? What would you want to do once you arrived at your galactic destination?
- Who is your favorite person? Describe them. Why are they your favorite person?
- Write about your least favorite rule in your house. Then, write three reasons why you think your parents should get rid of that rule.
- Write a letter introducing yourself to your 2nd grade teacher.
- What do you think is the best thing to do on a summer day? Describe it in detail using a lot of adjectives.
- Ask your parents what they used to do on their summer vacations. Is your summer vacation experience similar or different? Do you wish that you lived in the same time as your parents or do you like living in this time period?
- Write directions for how to make your favorite lunch. Don’t forget the snacks and drink!
- Write a fiction story about the summer fair. What do your characters do at the fair? What is the problem in your story? Don’t forget to include your solution.
- What would you do if you heard the ice cream truck coming down the street right now? What ice cream would you choose? How do you think it would taste?
Any 2nd-grade student will find writing to be fun if they are given the right prompts. These summer writing prompts for 2nd grade are the perfect starting point for your child’s summer journal.
Yes… Summer Journaling is a Fun Activity
One of the best ways to keep writing fun for 2nd-grade students is to let them pick out their own summer journals.
They can write in this journal three or four times per week and it will be enough to keep up their writing skills. In addition, it gives them their own space to explore their ideas and expand their imaginations.
Once your student has their journal, you can begin giving them summer writing prompts for 2nd grade. These prompts will help them get started and will allow them to think about their writing in new ways.
230 More Free and Fun Summer Writing Journal Prompts
Keep your writing skills on point during your summer break with these excellent writing resources. They are a celebration of the summer season.
- 10 Summer Topics (and an awesome summer bucket list, too!)
- FREE printable PDF page for you of summer writing prompts.
- 32 Sensational summer writing prompts for kids
- 53 Summer Fun Writing Ideas
- 53 Writing Prompts Celebrating Summer
- 51 Super Summer Camp Writing Prompts
- 31 Great End of Summer Writing Prompts
- Second Grade Summer Worksheets and Printables Resource
Always encourage your kids to keep on writing!
The following article was originally published in July 2014—
Summer offers second graders a lot to do, enjoy, and write about. Below, we present some neat summer writing ideas for kids. By having your child complete just a few writing tasks throughout the summer, they can become a better reader and writer.
Best of all, they may have a leg-up in these skills when returning to school in the fall.
We have three fabulous ones to share with you and we hope you agree that the summer writing ideas for second graders outlined below are interactive, creative, and fun. Check them out and enjoy! OK, without further ado here are some writing ideas for your second-grade child.
Summer Writing for 2nd Grade
Here are three excellent summer writing activity ideas.
Summer Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade Idea #1 — Start a Journal
Start a summer journal. In it, ask your child to write about their favorite activities of summer. If a child has a memorable day swimming, for instance, ask them to write about it.
Further, ask kids about their favorite summery things or ask them to draw and write about how the earth seems to change from spring to summer and then to fall and winter. You can even ask the child to write down their favorite seasonal recipes or how to start a garden. At the end of the summer, this makes a great keepsake.
Summer Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade Idea #2 — Get a Pen Pal
Pen pals are the writing gift that keeps on giving. Start with a simple prompt: ask your child to write about who they are, where they are from, and their friends. Then, find another 2nd-grade child to send the letter to (it is best to pair with someone you know so they will write back).
Remember to provide your child with subsequent writing ideas to write their pen pal about. This can include writing about a happy memory, telling the pen pal what they look for in friends, or sharing thoughts about an event.
See our list of 50 Pen Pal Prompts
Summer Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade Idea #3 — Use Your Imagination
There are lots of ways to get creative and use one’s imagination when writing during the summertime.
For example, ask your child to write a summer-themed story about their best friend or about their pet. Or, have the child write about some of these ideas:
- What do they think would happen if holidays that happen in other seasons took place in summer?
- What is their dream treehouse?
- Even if you can’t go on vacation or to the beach, you can still have your child write about what it would be like to do those things.
- You can also ask them to imagine a day in 3rd grade in anticipation of the next school year.
Happy summer and remember to write on…
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