Hooray for Summer Fun Writing Ideas and Prompts— As summer approaches, you may have some highly distracted and excited students who are ready for vacation. Instead of bringing them from daydreams to lessons, take your lessons to their daydreams with these exciting writing ideas. Yes!
As if your students weren’t already prepared for summer, get them ready with these writing prompts on Summer Fun! Their excitement will heat up as they get ready for vacation.
With these writing prompts for kids, students will get the chance to think about fun ideas for summer as they think about what they’ll spend their summers doing and the best activities for a hot summer day.
You see…
While they consider where they would have their ideal summer vacations, they’ll get the chance to exercise their imaginations though still sitting in the classroom.
Students enjoy journal writing because it gives them the chance to tap into new ideas and exotic places.
Best of all…
Through journaling, students can explore their thoughts and get to know their desires and beliefs in a new way. With these super summer writing ideas and prompts, students will love the chance to write about one of their favorite topics of all: SUMMER!
53 Super Summer Fun Writing Ideas & Prompts
- Write about something fun you could plan for your family to do this summer.
- Does your family go on vacation in summer?
- I look forward to summer because…
- When summer comes around, I feel…
- How can I make this the best summer ever?
- Write a story about a summer beach adventure.
- I spend most of my summer doing…
- Who do you spend time with in summer?
- Have you ever had a summer job, like a lemonade stand, craft business, etc.?
- Summer is a time for…
- The silliest summer thing I ever did…
- What is the most fun thing about summer?
- Savoring the last week of summer…
- Do you like the heat in summer?
- How many books can I read this summer?
- Is summer like a holiday every day?
- Do you ever go camping in summer?
- What is your favorite summer activity?
- Do you spend time on the computer during the summer or go outside?
- I can have fun during summer no matter what because…
- What is the best summer sport?
- What is something fun you could do at home in the summer?
- The best thing about summer barbecues…
- During the summer, I wear _________ the most.
- Do you make summer plans ahead of time or decide what you’re doing each day?
- Going to the park on a summer day…
- My favorite summer treat is…
- What could I make this summer?
- If I had to describe summer in three words, they would be…
- Where would you like to go on vacation?
- When I was younger, I spent my summers…
- If you could take a three-day summer adventure anywhere in the world, where would you go?
- What are your top five favorite things about summer?
- My favorite summer memory…
- Something fun to do in summer in our city…
- What are the best movies to watch during the summer?
- Do you get to stay up late during the summer?
- Do you enjoy swimming in the summer?
- What is the best month in the summer?
- I think summer should be…
- Write about hanging out at the pool during the summer.
- Do you like to go shopping during the summer?
- Do you like going to baseball games during the summer?
- Is it more fun to play outside in the summer or stay inside in the AC?
- What is a project I could do this summer?
- How can you spend time with friends this summer?
- This summer, I will do…
- Do you think summer is the best time of year?
- How can I keep summer from going by too fast?
- How could you organize a neighborhood sporting event this summer?
- Do you ever take lessons or classes during the summer?
- I’m most looking forward to __________ this summer.
- Do you ever get bored during the summer?
I hope you enjoyed these summer fun writing ideas and creative writing prompts in this blog post. Be sure to check out our other writing prompts to spark kids’ creativity on JournalBuddies.com. There are thousands of them!
177 More Summer Writing Resources
Take a look at these summer month inspired prompts to use for a your next summer writing activity, during summer vacation in general or to keep those writing skills on point.
- 10 Summer Topics (and an awesome summer bucket list, too!)
- 32 Sensational summer writing prompts for kids
- 53 Writing Prompts Celebrating Summer
- 51 Super Summer Camp Writing Prompts
- 31 Great End of Summer Writing Prompts
- Summer Writing Free Printable Worksheets
Ok, that’s all for today
Until next time, happy writing…
If you enjoyed these Summer Fun Writing Ideas and Prompts,
please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!
creator and curator
PS See this summer journal free worksheet download from Education.com.
⛱️ BONUS! More Summer Summer Fun Ideas⛱️
The following article was originally published in July of 2012 and may be of interest to you today.
Summer Fun Activities with Friends
Fun Activities with Friends in Summer — Kids wait eagerly each year for the first day of summer—and it’s little wonder why.
Summer is full of sunshine, laughter, and freedom. Most importantly, summer is also filled with fun and friends. This summer, encourage your kids to celebrate these special gifts. As they relax and enjoy life’s simple pleasures, help them maximize their time with friends by taking advantage of some of these fun ideas.
By the time Friendship Day rolls around on August 5th, your kids and their friends will have a summer full of memories to look back on and many more adventures ahead. (Oh, and keep your eyes open for some fabulous Friendship Day journal prompts coming soon!)
Summer Fun: 5 Great Ideas for Kids and Their Friends
1. Go on a “Day-cation” or “Stay-cation”
Take kids and their friends on a special “day-cation” or “stay-cation.” Plan the day ahead of time just as you would do for a normal vacation and let the kids choose the day’s activities. You don’t have to go far away for kids to look forward to their special trip. They’ll have a fantastic time taking an entire day to visit local attractions together. Be sure to plan some fun meals or treats, and take lots of pictures for their vacation albums!
2. Find a Fun Way to Make Money
If your kids and their friends are getting bored with the normal summer activities, encourage them to try something new and develop a little entrepreneurial spirit. Whether they open a lemonade stand, start a dog-walking service, or provide baby-sitting to neighborhood families, kids will have a great time running their “businesses” with a friend. Together, they can divide responsibilities like making posters or getting supplies—and, of course, their profits.
3. Enjoy the Great Outdoors
It wouldn’t be summer without plenty of time spent outside! Celebrate friendship and fun with trips to the pool, summer barbecues, and playtime at the park. From backyard camping trips to neighborhood bicycle races, friends can find all sorts of ways to enjoy one another’s company in the sun. Prepare them with sunscreen and money for the ice cream truck, and your kids and their friends will have everything they need for an afternoon adventure.
4. Get Creative and Crafty
When the kids are ready for some time in the air conditioning, invite their friends over for a fun afternoon of arts and crafts. Summer projects are a relaxing and interesting way for kids to connect over the summer. Encourage friends to help one another through the creative process while also expressing their own individuality. The differences and similarities in their creations will reflect the unique bond they share together.
5. Keep a Summer Friendship Journal
As the summer progresses, encourage kids to keep summer friendship journals. Whether they write in them together or separately, kids and their friends will have a great time recounting their fun days and remembering all the special things they did together. Kids can also trade journals with one another periodically.
Some kids like to ask each other questions through journals, while others will prefer to record their thoughts and share their favorite memories later. Summer friendship journals are a fun activity for kids and friends to share—and they act as a special keepsake that they’ll both cherish for the rest of their lives.
Until next time, savor your summer!
I love the mix of starter sentences, questions, and prompts you have showcased here to get kids started on journaling their summer! 🙂 They might just come up with a grand idea to occupy themselves and their friends in their journal entries. Journals are the perfect place for summertime exploration.
I have chosen your post, Writing Prompts: Summer Fun, for the #JournalChat Pick of the Day for all things journaling on Twitter on 5/24/11. I will post a link on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and my blog, Refresh with Dawn Herring.
My @JournalChat account on Twitter is for all things journaling.
Thanks again for providing a great multi-dimensional summer starting point to encourage kids to journal.
Be refreshed,
Dawn Herring
JournalWriter Freelance
@JournalChat on Twitter for all things journaling
Thank you, Dawn, for you lovely feedback and for selecting this post to share with your fans! I am honored and thank you from the very depths of my being. 😀
Journal on…
Journal Buddies author
Oh my gosh! You have so many articles on journaling! I am never going to be able to add all of them to my favorites!!!
This is the greatest resource I have ever found!!! THanks!!!!!
Why you are soooooooooooooooo welcome! And more prompts are added every month. Please visit often. 😀