Relationship Writing Topics for Youth—As young people enter into that precarious age between adolescence and adulthood, they begin to discover and explore many different types of relationships.

High school and middle school students experience the world around them while simultaneously learning more about who they are and about the people they relate to (good or not so much).
Which is precisely why…
Healthy Relationship & Respectful Relationships Are the Goal
Our relationship topics for youth will prompt young adults to write about the benefits, challenges, frustrations, and happy moments that result from their ever-growing web of relationships.
There are many relationship topics to write about, and these relationship topics for youth explore many different types of bonds between people.
Further, writers are encouraged to identify characteristics they admire in others and to, hopefully, avoid unhealthy relationships.
The goal is to help your writers explore their personal thoughts, feelings, and boundaries.
Students in various grades can use these ideas to explore what it means to be in a healthy relationship.
They can use this awareness to be positive role models for their peers and to create positive change in themselves and in their surroundings.
So get to it and use these relationship topics for youth in your classroom lesson or at home. By doing so, you’ll encourage the pre-teens and teens you know to add to their personal toolkit greater understanding about their relationships and the people they choose to surround themselves with today (and in the future).
20 Relationship Writing Topics for Youth
Friendship Journal Prompts for Pre-Teens and Teens
- Who do you consider to be your best friend right now? How long have you been friends? How did you become friends?
- Who is your oldest friend? How have you maintained your friendship for so long?
- How do you feel when you meet a new friend? What types of qualities do you look for in a friend?
- Do you prefer to have a large group of friends or a small group of friends? Why?
- Have you ever had a friendship change significantly? Was it for better or worse? How did the change make you feel?
Romantic Relationship Topics for Youth — Exploring boyfriends, girlfriends, and love relationship in all their forms.
- Write about the first time you felt romantic feelings for someone. What sparked those feelings?
- What do you look for in a romantic partner? What qualities do you most admire about the person you care about?
- Have you been in a romantic relationship before? What was the experience like for you?
- Have you been in an argument with someone that you cared about romantically? What did you argue about? How did you resolve your issues?
- What is the most challenging part about navigating the new and exciting feelings associated with romance?

Family Relationship Topics for Youth
- How has your relationship changed with your parents over the last several years? How do you feel about these changes?
- Do you feel as if you and your family are on the same page?
- How does your family communicate with one another? Do you feel like you can improve communications with your parents, siblings or other members of your immediate household?
- Write about a time when you were very grateful for your family. How can you carry over that attitude of gratitude into daily life with your family members?
- What is one thing that you feel your family does not understand about you. Why do you feel that way?
Journal Prompts for Improving Young Adult Relationships
- Think about forgiveness. Write about a time that you forgave someone who meant a lot to you, and also write about a time where you needed to be forgiven. What were the similarities and differences between those two moments?
- Communication plays a pivotal role in any relationship. Describe three ways that you can positively communicate with those you care about.
- Have you ever been in a negative relationship? How did it impact you? Write about how you can improve a negative relationship or move on from a toxic relationship.
- Write about your first major dispute with your closest friend. What happened? Were you able to repair the relationship? What did you learn from this experience?
- Have you ever made a mistake that damaged a relationship? How did you feel? How did you attempt to correct your mistake? What did you learn from this experience? What is your biggest regret?

A Few More Words about Youth Relationships
Pre-teen and teen students often become more reliant and dependent on their peer groups, and their friendships take a priority over the relationships within their immediate family.
Teenagers (and tweens) are often beginning to feel the first flutters of romance, and they may be learning how to navigate these special types of relationships.
At the same time, they are connecting with teachers, coaches, mentors, and other adults in the community who will be guiding them on their journey.
Given the important role that these new relationships play in the growth and development of young adults, it’s important for them to have an opportunity to write about the feelings that are associated with those connections.
Some Final Thoughts
With social media and social pressure from peers, life and relationships can be challenging for teens and pre-teens. It can be a confusing and overwhelming time, and journaling is one of the most effective ways for young adults to manage their own feelings.
Our advice: Have compassion for yourself, don’t believe any excuses, and get to it and live your best relationships starting now.
By utilizing these relationship writing topics for youth and teaching young people to express themselves, you can help them navigate their way through this stage of life.
Finally, a wonderful skill for “adult life” is to figure out your real self and be your own hero on a daily basis. Journaling can help a writer make this a reality in their life. Plus, doing so supports healthy, thriving relationships.
Whether they are experiencing the bonds of a great friendship, strong relationship, or the butterflies associated with a first crush, always encourage the people you know to keep on writing!
Related Links and Resources
- 54 Friendship Day Journal Prompts for Kids
- 40 Shared Journaling Prompts
- Writing Prompts for Teen SEL
- 47 Relationship Journal Prompts to Unlock Greater Love
- Mental Health Awareness Writing Ideas
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Preteen Journaling for Better Relationships—
The pre-teen years are without a doubt the years in which we all begin to learn about the idiosyncrasies of interpersonal relationships and of how to cope with them. Relationships during these years suddenly grow beyond our immediate family and friends. They begin to include friendships that grow into deeper meanings and love’s possibilities. We also start to see, more clearly, that there are different types of relationships, places, and things where love’s connection can be found.
At this stage, between childhood and adolescence, we also further develop our internal traits such as belief, trust, and empathy. These few — out of many examples — are part of what our character is built upon. And it’s our character that helps shape our relationships.
Parents who encourage their pre-teen to write about how they see themselves, character-wise, will be helping that child to further develop personal and interpersonal qualities. Journaling about our traits, whatever those might be, helps us develop them more completely. We can also learn and develop ourselves through writing about what we see in others.
An additional benefit to the previous ideas is the fact that by writing in our journals on a daily basis we create a written history about ourselves. We can then go back to previous entries to see how much we have grown, which will only further improve our self-concept and confidence. Parents who encourage journaling in their children are positively helping them in their personal growth and development.
Pre-adolescence can be a precarious time for anyone, especially when it concerns relations with the opposite sex. Boy likes girl and girl likes boy. It’s part of nature’s course. But sometimes pre-teens in these kinds of situations have to keep these very natural feelings to themselves lest their own sex group makes them the butt of teasing and taunting. Parents should do their best to encourage their children to write about the feelings they are experiencing in their journals.
Some pre-teens have a hard time talking to their parents about personal emotions and feelings. Parents – don’t take this personally. Sometimes a pre-teen just isn’t going to feel comfortable about discussing their private life with their parents. Believe it or not, this does happen sometimes and due not to any fault of our own. But even in this situation, the parent can still help their child by encouraging them to write these personal things in their journal.
Sometimes pre-teens will even get upset or angry with their parent. This is something that will happen in every parent/child relationship. It’s unavoidable and is just the way it is. However, here again, the parent can help their pre-teen by encouraging them to write about the issue(s) between them and you. Often when your pre-teen writes about interpersonal conflicts, even those that involve you, they may find answers within to help them solve the problem.
One of the greatest rewards of journaling is giving ourselves the opportunity to place thoughts and feelings out in front of us, to physically see them, in the form of words.