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35 Excellent Kindergarten Writing Prompts

Kindergarten Writing Prompts and IdeasThough your kindergarten students may not have highly developed writing skills to express their thoughts, they do have bright imaginations filled with all sorts of creative ideas. And, now you have 35 kindergarten writing prompts to share with your kids.

Kindergarten Journal Prompts


With these kindergarten writing prompts your youngest students have the chance to explore their interests, emotions, and the lessons they’ve learned in school.

You see, by writing each day, kindergartners will become more aware of their thoughts and feelings while also developing their skills of articulation and expression.

Writing Fun at Any Age (Kindergarteners Included!)

With our list of fun writing prompts for Kindergarteners, students will reflect on their relationships with their friends and parents and imagine what it would be like to be in charge of the school.


As kids practice writing sentences and thinking about their experiences, they will become more comfortable expressing their feelings through writing.


Regular writing and journaling are perfect ways to help young writers develop and expand their language skills.

So get to it.

Enjoy our list of kindergarten writing prompts, topics and ideas. They are a super fun way to get young kids interested and engaged in their writing practice.

35 Writing Prompts for Kindergartners

Use these kindergarten writing prompts to help your young students practice writing, reading, and reflection.

1. What is your favorite book? Why?

2. What is your greatest talent?

3. My best friend is _________ because _________.

4. Why do kids have to go to school?

5. At recess, I like to _________.

6. Write about the best day ever. What would you do?

7. If I received three wishes, I’d wish for __________.

8. If I could be an animal, I would be _________.

9. Do you like movies or music better? Why?

10. Would you rather have a pet cat or dog? Why?

11. What do you like best about our classroom?

12. My favorite thing to do with my parents is ________ because _________.

13. Write about a time when you and a friend argued. What did you do?

14. What is your favorite color? Why?

15. Write three sentences to describe your bedroom.

16. When it’s time for bed, my family ________.
Journal Writing Ideas for Kindergarten Kids

17. _________ is my favorite season because _________.

18. If I could change one thing about the world, I’d change _________.

19. What is your favorite toy? What do you like about it?

20. My favorite part of school is ________ because _________.

21. What have you learned this year?

22. Would you rather play inside or outside on the weekend? Why?

23. What is your favorite thing to play outside?

24. What is your favorite food? Why?

25. Write about a time when you had to wait for something? How did you feel?

26. My favorite toy is _________ because _________.

27. Write about a time you helped your parents. How did you feel?

28. Summer vacation is _________ because ________.

29. If you could be in charge of school for a day, what would you do?

30. What is your favorite place in the world? Why?

31. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

32. The best dessert in the world is _________ because __________.

33. How do you know your parents love you?

34. What is the best gift you ever received?

35. Write about a time when you found the answer to something you didn’t know. How did you feel?

I hope your kids get inspired by this list of kindergarten writing prompts. Consider using them in your writing lessons or as kindergarten journal prompts for their writing journals. Now get to it and encourage your writers to grab their pencils and face that blank page with confidence.

More Free Prompt Resources for Young Writers

I offer thousands of creative writing prompts here on my blog. Here are a few that may interest you right now.

And now for…

The Favorites List of Easy Writing Prompts

For your reluctant writers, I suggest you use the time-tested favorite writing prompts. They are simple ideas to get those creative juices flowing for writers of all skill levels.

  • Favorite ice cream
  • Favorite movie
  • Favorite superhero
  • Favorite toy
  • Favorite game
  • Favorite sport
  • Favorite holiday
  • Birthday
  • Superpower
  • Fairy tale
  • Grandparent
  • Place to visit

Oh, and one last quick tip. Turn this list on its head and write about your least favorite instead.

That’s all for today.

Until next time, write on…

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Writing Topics for Kindergarten Students

PS Check out this helpful writing resource –> Kindergarten Writing Prompts K12 Reader

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