Journal Topics Random Acts of Kindness day—This February 17th, make some time to celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness day (#RAKDay) with these journaling ideas and prompts. Injecting random acts of kindness into daily life is a great way for a person to brighten his or her attitude, as well as to help others.
Hey Journal Buddies, here’s a kindness just for you.
====> Grab these #RAKDay Printable Prompts <====
Show students the importance of random acts of kindness with these 53 new journal topics. As your kids consider the kind things they could do for someone else, students will be motivated to start adding small bits of kindness into their everyday activities.
These journal topics, ideas, and prompts will also help students to think about the meaning behind random acts of kindness, from the reasons to complete an act anonymously to the way the world would look if everyone did something kind each day.
After your students have brainstormed ideas for random acts of kindness, encourage them to try some of their ideas and write about their experiences. They’ll love writing about the great feelings they get from helping others – and, best of all, they’ll be excited to go out and participate in more random acts of kindness.
53 Writing Ideas about Random Acts of Kindness
- Paying kindness forward can make a difference in the world because…
- How could I encourage people around me to do more kind things for one another?
- What could our class do to help those who are less fortunate?
- It is important to do kind things for others because…
- Someone once did __________ for me, and I felt __________
- I can show kindness to younger students by…
- During random acts of kindness week (middle of February each year), I can…
- The best thing to brighten someone’s day is…
- I can show appreciation for my parents by…
- If everyone in the world did just one kind thing each day…
- I could donate __________ things I own to other kids in need
- Famous people who have done kind things for others
- What kindness means to me
- Something nice I could do for one of my classmates is…
- How could I help someone in need?
- The best part about doing something kind anonymously is…
- The last kind thing I did for someone was…
- When I was young, my parents taught me to do __________ for others
- When I’m having a bad day, doing something nice for someone makes me feel…
- My best friend would love it if I…
- The impact of a compliment…
- Who could I help by spending time with them? (ex: visiting a senior citizen’s home, a child in hospital, etc.)
- One way I could show kindness to my next-door neighbor is by…
- Helping people in small ways is important because…
- Is it better to perform a random act of kindness for someone you know or a stranger?
- If I could do any one kind thing (with no limitations on location, money, or resources) for any one person in the world, I would…
- I could volunteer in the community by…
- One thing I could do to help around the house is…
- I can show kindness to strangers (people at grocery store, cashiers, etc.) by…
- The nicest thing anyone ever did for me was…
- “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I can practice this lesson by…
- Something kind I could do for the environment is…
- I can teach my siblings about kindness by…
- Doing something kind without expecting anything in return is…
- How could I include a random act of kindness in my routine each day?
- Smiling is a good way to…
- When someone says “thank you,” I feel…
- I could help my grandparents by…
- When enough people participate, kindness can…
- Showing kindness by helping someone, even when it’s not something you enjoy doing
- If I had a million dollars to help other people, I would use it to…
- Examples of kindness in history
- I could show appreciation for someone in the military by…
- I believe that when I do something kind for someone else, they will…
- How can I appreciate someone who doesn’t get the thanks they deserve? (ex: thanking mailman, garbage collectors, school volunteers, teachers, etc.)
- If I could make a holiday for helping people around the world, people would celebrate it by…
- I could do something kind anonymously by…
- Something kind that I witnessed someone else do
- I could be kind to someone by understanding or accepting them
- How could I do something kind for someone during special holidays? (ex: Christmas gifts for less fortunate, helping serve food at a shelter during Thanksgiving, sending a valentine)
- If people were more compassionate, the world would be…
- When I do something nice for someone else, I feel…
- This week, I want to do __________ kind things for other people
This list is filled with fabulous journal topics and participating in random acts of kindness is truly one of life’s great joys for both the giver and the recipient. Whether a gesture is small or large, it’s amazing to think about how a kind act can have such a strong impact on someone’s life.
And don’t forget that for many people random acts of kindness should be met with the “pay it forward” approach. Paying an act of kindness forward to someone else is a great way to create a cycle of generosity in the world. Soooooooooo, here’s to more kindness in our world today and every day!!!
There are many more journaling prompts and journal topics on this site, and more added every week, so be sure to visit us often.
Related Resources
Until next time, write on…
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creator and curator
This list of journaling prompts is a goldmine for any teacher or school counselor looking to integrate thoughtful writing assignments into a character education curriculum. Great choices here! Being the earth and animals enthusiast that I am, my favorite prompt is #32!
Awh… thank you Janet! 😀