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31 Great Mother’s Day Writing Ideas

Mother’s Day Writing Ideas —

Mother’s Day is special to kids for very obvious reasons, and there is little that thrills a mother more than to receive handmade Mother’s Day gifts from her child.

A fantastic gift idea for moms is to keep a “Mom Journal”. This special journal for mothers can be a single journal entry or a collection of a week’s worth of journaling creations (or more).

Mother's Day Writing Ideas

Simply choose your favorite journaling prompts and topics from the innovative, creative, and fun listing of 31 journaling prompts and ideas outlined below. In no time you will be on your way to creating a magnificent and meaningful Mother’s Day gift for your favorite mom!

31 Mother’s Day Writing Ideas

Enjoy this wonderful list of Mother’s Day writing prompts and ideas.

  1. My mom is great because…
  2. Mother’s Day is…
  3. I think some great gifts for Mother’s Day are…
  4. My favorite homemade Mother’s Day gift idea is ___________
  5. Write a Mother’s Day poem (or poems!) based on the letters M-O-T-H-E-R
  6. My funniest memory of my mom is…
  7. When I think of my mom, I feel…
  8. If I were Mom-for-a-day, I would…
  9. The best advice my mom has ever given me is…
  10. The top 3, 5, 10 things I love about my mom are…
  11. If I could choose,my mom and I would do these Mother’s Day activities together…
  12. Write a Mother’s Day song (or songs!) for your mom.
  13. Find some Mother’s Day quotes and write about them and how they make you feel.
  14. Imagine writing stories about your mother. Record your wildest, funniest, or happiest idea.
  15. What do you love the most about your mom?
    Mother's Day Writing Prompt Ideas
  16. My mom is happiest when…
  17. I think my mom is special because…
  18. My mom always says…
  19. I think moms like flowers on Mother’s Day because…
  20. My mom would rather have ___________ than flowers or chocolate because…
  21. I would LOVE to create Mother’s Day crafts with my mom because…
  22. My favorite Mother’s Day memory is…
  23. Some Mother’s Day presents I know my mom would love are…
  24. What I know about Mother’s Day is…
  25. If I were to make a special Mother’s Day dinner, I would make…
  26. My special Mother’s Day message for my mom is…
  27. The best Mother’s Day gifts for my mom are…
  28. My favorite Mother’s Day writing idea is…
  29. If I could throw a party for my mom, I would use Mother’s Day decorations made of…
  30. A few ideas for unique Mother’s Day drawings are…
  31. If I could film a Mother’s Day video, it would be about…

More Mother’s Day Journaling Resources

I hope you enjoyed this list of Mother’s Day writing ideas and prompts.

53 MORE Mother’s Day Journaling Ideas

Writing Topics for Mother's Day

Here are a few more fabulous Mother’s Day prompt ideas from this list that you may want to use in your Mother’s Day journal gift.

  1. My mom helps me with…
  2. If my mom could do anything or go anywhere in the world, she would…
  3. What are the different names you called your mom as a kid and how have they changed?
  4. Three things I could do to help around the house more…
  5. I can tell my mom likes being a mom when she…
  6. To show appreciation for my mom, I will…
  7. What is your mom’s favorite story about you as a kid?
  8. Write about your relationship with your grandmother.
  9. How would you describe your mother in three words?
  10. I can thank my mom by…
  11. When I have kids, they will think their grandmother is…
  12. What is your mom’s favorite thing to do?
  13. My mom told me about __________ that happened while she was pregnant with me.
  14. I can always count on my mom because…
  15. My mom was right about…

A Few Closing Thoughts

Younger kids and and older kids alike may find that the hardest part of this set of inspired journal prompts is limiting themselves to just one. Some kids may be inspired to add illustrations to their writing, too. With the chance to honor their great mom by telling her that she’s the best cook, best listener, best friend, or whatever other special message, they are sure to want to keep on writing!

While we hope you enjoyed these Mother’s Day Writing Ideas, don’t forget about the special dads in your life – take a look at these 53 Writing Prompts about Father’s Day!

If you enjoyed these Mother’s Day Writing Ideas,
please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Journal Buddies Jill
creator and curator

Mother's Day Writing Prompts

PS – Check out these cute and fun Mother’s Day card ideas and these great Mother’s Day printables.

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