Back to School Journal Prompt Ideas for Kids Part 1 (see Back to School Journal Prompts Part 2 here)— With the beginning of the new school year, it’s time to get students involved and engaged in journaling once again! Though their minds may still be set to summer mode, these 57 fun journal prompts will have students excited about writing.

Students can reflect on their favorite moments from the summer, as well as their hopes for the upcoming year. Whether they’re setting goals for the year or talking about their feelings on the first day of school, students will benefit from the opportunity to sit down with their thoughts on the page.
Journaling is a powerful exercise that allows students to sort out their feelings through writing. In learning how to communicate through the written word, students are able to clarify their thoughts for themselves and their potential readers. Teaching students how to express themselves more fully is one of the greatest things any teacher can do for a class.
Get the school year started off right with these back to school journal prompts. You’ll encourage your students to reflect and prepare for their best year yet!
57 Back to School Writing Ideas and Journal Prompts for Kids (Part 1/2)
- How did you spend your last day of summer?
- I feel __________ about going back to school.
- How has your opinion of school changed over the years?
- What subjects are you looking forward to learning about this year?
- How do you get ready to go back to school?
- Which is better – indoor or outdoor recess?
- What is the most exciting thing you did this summer?
- Why is it important to have school spirit?
- How do your parents feel on the first day of school? Excited? Proud? Worried? Sad?
- I can’t wait to tell my friends about __________ that happened this summer.
- What year of school are you the most excited for?
- Why is the beginning of a new school year so special?
- How can we work to end bullying at our school this year?
- This summer, I learned…
- What is the first thing you do when you get back to school?
- How can I make my classmates feel excited about school?
- Write a story where it is summer every day.
- I know it’s time for school when…
- How does it feel to be in a new classroom this year?
- What is the best day of the school week?
- What is your favorite outdoor summer activity?
- Did you feel ready to come back to school this year?
- How did you enjoy summer vacation with your family?
- How do you feel when you get good grades?
- What is your favorite classroom party or reward?
- Write a news article describing something exciting you did this summer.
- If you were the principal, what would you do at the beginning of the school year?
- I can show my teachers appreciation by…
- What is your favorite thing to do during the summer?
- Write a poem describing your summer.
- Did your summer go by quickly or last just the right amount of time?
- When is school the most fun?
- How do you feel on the first day of school?
- What extracurricular activities will you get involved with this year?
- What does it mean to be a good student?
- Did you accomplish everything you hoped to this summer?
- The new school year is a time for…
- What are your commitments for this school year?
- What does our school mascot represent to you?
- What are some feelings you associate with summer? Write about five different emotions.
- How do you feel on the last day of summer?
- Do you like to get your homework done early or do you put off projects until the end?
- Summer is a time for…
- Why is homework important?
- It was only when __________ happened, that I finally learned __________.
- Do you feel older this school year?
- Choose three words to describe the first day of school. Why did you choose these words?
- What is the best school project you ever did?
- Write a funny story about a first day of school that goes horribly wrong.
- What is the best book you read this summer?
- Why is it important to be involved at school?
- During the summer, my friends and I…
- Write a poem describing your feelings about school this year.
- How can you be a good classmate?
- How can you stay organized this school year?
- What is your favorite part of summer?
- Write about the first day of school from your teacher’s perspective.
More Back to School Writing Ideas
- 51 Back to School Writing Prompts for Students
- 30 Back to School Writing Ideas
- Back to School Writing Prompts for the Secondary Classroom
Until next time, write on…
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