How to Start Writing a Journal — Writing in a journal can be both a practical and therapeutic exercise. For centuries, people have kept journals as a way to log the day’s events and even document their own thoughts and feelings on their circumstances. Just as reading a historical journal can provide you with insight into the minds of those who have come before us, writing your own journal can help you better understand your own emotions in relation to your current experiences.

It can be difficult to know where to begin, but fortunately it is not hard to learn how to start writing a journal. The first thing you need to do is purchase a journal that you feel comfortable with. Some people prefer to have a large, patterned notebook that they keep by their bedside, while others like the idea of keeping a simple and small leather-bound book inside their work bag so that they can take quick notes. Before you decide which type of journal to purchase, you will want to think about the type of journaler that you will be.
There are many approaches that you can take as you learn how to start writing a journal. Some of the most common types of journaling include:
- Long-form journaling — This type of journaling requires you to detail the current events of the day and describe how it made you feel.
- One line journaling — This is a simple but effective type of journaling in which you quickly write down one line that summarizes your day.
- Bullet journaling — This technique combines the practicality of list-making with the benefits of journaling.
- Doodle journaling — This is the perfect journaling option for those who love art as much as they love writing. You can draw the doodles that come to your mind while taking time to write about the day’s events.
Once you have chosen your notebook and identified the journaling style that is right for you, you will want to learn how to start a journal entry. Fortunately, journaling is one of the most flexible forms of writing, and you can use any tone or style that you prefer for your personal journal. If you are still in need of inspiration, use these prompts to learn how to start a journal entry.
How Do You Start a Journal Entry?
Prompts to Help You Learn How to Start Writing a Journal
- Where did you feel the happiest today? Why do you think that is?
- What book are you reading right now? How do you feel about it?
- Did you make a mistake today? How did it come about? How did you make it right? What can you learn from this moment?
- If you could change one moment from the past week, which moment would you change? Why?
- Write down your short-term goals for this week and prioritize them.
- Write a letter to yourself about the day that you had.
- What was your overall mood today? Did it have an impact on the day’s events?
- Describe your morning routine in detail. Do you feel that your routine has an impact on how your day begins?
- What was your original plan for today? Did your day go according to plan? How do you feel about how the day unfolded?
- Discuss the most important news story of the day. How is that news story impacting your personal life?
- Finish this sentence: “Today, I wish I had…”
- Did you have a dream last night? Describe the dream in detail. Do you feel that this dream had any significant meaning?
- Write about a moment that happened today in which you helped someone or someone helped you. How did that moment influence the rest of your day?
- Was there anything that was worrying you today? Why were these things on your mind?
- Write down a confession that you haven’t told anyone else. Why are you keeping this a secret?
Related Links & Resources
- Benefits of Journaling + 35 Bonus Prompts
- Journal Themes + Bonus Prompts
- Writing Prompts for Beginners
- Journaling Tips for Beginners
The best day to learn how to start writing a journal is today. Grab a notebook, find a pen and begin journaling about your life. You will love having this keepsake to look back on, and the best part is, keeping a journal will always encourage you to continue writing every day!
Until next time, write on…
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