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77 Super Sweet Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts

Yes, it’s true. We have Valentineโ€™s Day writing prompts for you and your writers. Indeed, there are 77 enchanting writing ideas right here at your fingertips. Take a look!

Valentine's Day Journal Promtps for Kids

Creative Writing Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a great time for students to think about the way their actions affect other people. And writing creatively is a wonderful way to express one’s affection for another.

That is why…

The Valentine’s Day writing prompts listed below are intended to do just that and to help kids express their feelings and emotions regarding love in writing. We hope your students have a wonderful time creating their very own Valentine’s Day message with these writing ideas.

Free Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts (& Messages)

Valentine’s messages warm everyone’s hearts, and on Valentine’s Day students are excited to receive and give one another cards and treats to celebrate friendship, caring, and love. This day is also a great time to get them thinking about what love means and how they can work to show those feelings for people in their lives every day.

Creating Valentine’s messages through journaling about Valentine’s Day and love as well as the meanings of each can help students to express their deepest sentiments regarding emotions and feelings that otherwise may be difficult to define.

In the following 77 new journal prompts, students will consider the people and things that they love, the ways that love makes them feel, and concrete actions they can take to show love to those around them. They will also come up with their own definition of love, look at Valentine’s Day traditions, and think about different types of love.

77 Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts & Journal Ideas for Kids

Use these Valentine’s Day writing prompts this month of February as a fun Valentine’s Day activity at home or in the classroom!

  1. I feel loved when _________
  2. Five ways that I can show love to people around me
  3. If there were more love in the world
  4. Love is ___________
  5. The best kind of valentines to give are
  6. I love ________ more than anything in the world
  7. If I could make a holiday to celebrate something like love, I would celebrate ________
  8. When I want people to know that I love them, I _________
  9. Make a list of every student’s name in the class, and write something nice about each one
  10. The legend of St. Valentine
  11. Hearts always make me think about _________
  12. A good Valentine’s tradition is to _________
  13. Valentines are important because ___________
  14. Things in my room that I love
  15. Things that make me love a person
  16. What would I do if I were cupid?
  17. This year, my valentine is ________
  18. Friendship is _________
  19. I am thankful for __________ love in my life
  20. I can practice showing love by __________
  21. If I could decorate candy hearts with any saying, I would write ___________
  22. With love, ________ is possible
  23. It’s important to tell people you love them because _______
  24. When I receive a valentine, I feel _________
  25. Three people who I love
  26. If I wanted to ask someone to be my Valentine, I would _______
  27. Caring for people is important because ________
  28. How I could be nicer to people?
  29. _________ loves me because _________
  30. The greatest Valentine I ever received
  31. How I can make sure that everyone feels loved and included on Valentine’s Day?
  32. When my grandparents _____, I feel loved
    Valentine's Day is a great time for students to think about the way that their actions have an effect on other people โ€“ these journal prompts will help them to establish their feelings and emotions regarding love!
  33. Write a rhyming Valentine’s poem for someone you love
  34. Love is important because _________
  35. If I had a secret admirer, I would _______
  36. Write a story about getting hit by Cupid’s arrow
  37. Kindness is __________
  38. I love ____________
  39. People love me because __________
  40. My favorite Valentine’s Day memory
  41. Write a valentine for your favorite activity
  42. If I could make my own Valentine’s candy, it would have ________
  43. I like giving valentines because _________
  44. How could we celebrate love every day of the year?
  45. When I feel loved, I feel _________
  46. My favorite Valentine’s treat
  47. The best movie I ever saw about love was ____________
  48. Love feels like __________
  49. Would you rather receive Valentine’s notes or candy?
  50. How can I show my parents how much I love them?
  51. Something I love that always makes me feel happy is _________
  52. I love my siblings because _________
  53. People deserve to be loved because _______
  54. On Valentine’s Day, I will do __________ for someone I don’t always get along with
  55. I believe that love can make ________ happen
  56. Why do we give candy on Valentine’s Day?
  57. How could I make a game that everyone would be included in?
  58. The most important qualities a friend should have
  59. The best Valentine’s Day ever was when _________
  60. Write a poem that you could give to your parents for Valentine’s Day
  61. Something nice that I can do for my neighbors is _________
  62. When people love each other, they _________
  63. I think that Valentine’s Day is a time to __________
  64. If I had to explain love to an alien from another planet, I would say _______
  65. I think Valentine’s Day comes from
  66. Valentine’s gifts make people feel _________
  67. What is something I could do for my friends to show how much I love them?
  68. Every year, I learn __________ about love
  69. Things that I love about school
  70. My favorite song about love is ________
  71. Write a valentine to a beloved pet
  72. I will show love this week by _________
  73. If you could only give or receive valentines, which would you choose?
  74. Love is a good reason to __________
  75. Valentine’s Day makes me feel __________
  76. Write a poem using the letters in the word โ€œloveโ€
  77. The moment when I felt most loved

Whether they’re letting a family member know just how much they love them, creating a Valentine’s Day coupon book, or creating new sayings for conversation hearts, these creative Valentine’s Day writing prompts will get your students and homeschoolers excited about sharing the love through descriptive writing!

Until next time, write on…

If you enjoyed these Valentine’s Day writing prompts and ideas for Students,
please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.
I appreciate it!

creator and curator

Valentine's Writing Ideas for Kids

PS – take a peek at these Free Printable Valentine’s Cards for Students!

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3 thoughts on “77 Super Sweet Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts”

  1. Prompt # 9 is a fantastic way to encourage classroom community, a “family feeling” among students!

  2. Hello Janet,

    You and I have nearly identical tastes it would seem as that is my favorite prompt from this listing! Happy Valentine’s day to you and yours. ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. And to you and your family as well! May today be a day for wonderful journaling memories for folks everywhere!

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