Hooray for this brand NEW March Writing Prompts List— Oh yeah. I know you’re going to love this newly updated list of prompts. Read on and you’ll discover some magnificent March writing prompts your writers will love. Enjoy and happy end of winter and soon-to-be start of spring!

You see…
This magnificent list of 31 March Writing Prompts will ensure that you have something to inspire your students every day of the month.
You gotta love that!
From luck-filled stories to scientific descriptions of the springtime weather, there’s so much to write about during the month of March, and below you’ll find 31 of the best writing ideas. (The ones I hope your writers will love the most. Yes!)
While March may be the official Reading Month, it’s also an excellent time of the year to celebrate the art of writing.
Of course, writing is a concept that all students must be working toward and building on throughout their entire educational career, and March is an ideal time of the year to continue honing their writing skills.
Without further ado, let’s get to those new prompts.
31 Magnificent March Writing Prompts
This list of March writing prompts was created especially for elementary and middle school students but may also be used with writers of all ages. Enjoy!
- March kicks off with National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, which takes place on March 1. Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite peanut butter treat.
- On March 2, yet another holiday arrives — it’s National Read Across America Day. To celebrate, write a short story that features your favorite book character, and ask to read it out loud to a friend.
- The old adage says that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Begin observing the weather each day this month, and keep a journal with the weather conditions each day.
- Write a poem about flying a kite.
- Write a short story about a school basketball team that overcomes adversity.
- Oreo cookies have their own day of the month in March. On March 6, think about your first time having Oreo cookies. Write a journal entry about that memory.
- Craft a persuasive essay that convinces people that they need to have a good luck charm.
- Write a story about a character who discovers a pot of gold on the playground at school.
- Did you like the last book that you read? Write an essay describing the book and explain why you would — or would not — recommend it to a friend.
- The famed author Dr. Seuss was born in March. Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss character? Write a vivid description of this character in your journal.
- Most people don’t associate Johnny Appleseed with the month of March, but the truth is Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated on March 11. Write a journal entry about your favorite thing to do with apples.
- Rainbows are often a symbol of March. One fun way to write about the rainbow is to do a color story. Choose your favorite color from the rainbow, and then write a short story in which that color is featured as frequently as possible.
- Write a haiku about your everyday life.
- To continue with the March celebrations, be sure to commemorate Pi Day on March 14. Pi Day recognizes Pi, or 3.14, and it’s often celebrated with tasty pies. Write step-by-step directions for making your favorite pie.
- Make a list of your favorite things about March.
- Are you planning a spring break vacation? Write a checklist of everything you want to see and do during your trip. If you aren’t going on vacation, make a checklist of places you would like to visit one day.
- March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day! Write a short story from the perspective on a leprechaun who is on the run from all the humans on the hunt for him today.
- Write a poem about the emotions you are experiencing today. Then, make a digital version of that poem.
- You are given a word bank with three words: Fortune, River and Full Moon. Now, write a short story based on that word bank.
- March Madness begins this month. Write a journal entry about whether you like or dislike this competitive sporting event.
- As part of your daily writing practice in March, listen to your favorite song and write down everything that comes to your mind throughout the song.
- When students visit the March writing center, have them begin a story with the sentence “I had always wondered what was at the end of the rainbow…”
- March is women’s history month. Research an influential woman and write a detailed paragraph about her life and accomplishments.
- March is also National Nutrition Month. Write about a healthy recipe that your family enjoys together. Why do you feel good food is important?
- March 25th is National Waffle Day. Invent your own waffle and make a Google Slides presentation about what you would include as toppings and why.
- Even a younger student can benefit from volunteering in the community. What is one way that you have volunteered your time? What is one volunteer activity that you would like to do in the future?
- Write about what you would do if you found a four-leaf clover.
- Students in 2nd grade and 3rd grade as well as 4th grade students know how to form and create a paragraph. Spend some time writing a detailed paragraph about what you did throughout the month of March.
- Coca Cola was invented on March 29. Write a persuasive essay about why soda should or should not be allowed in schools.
- March is almost over. Write down three goals that you have for April.
- Write a short story about a new student who joins the class during the month of March.
I hope you enjoyed this new list of March writing prompts for kids.
More Writing Resources
- 10 St. Patrick’s Day Story Starters
- 53 Spring Writing Prompts + 6 Bonus Spring Art Ideas for Teachers
- 33 National Rosie the Riveter Day Writing Prompts
- 7 Free Writing Activities for March
A Few Closing Thoughts
There is a lot to celebrate in March, and as you are creating your lesson plans for this busy time of year, consider incorporating more journal activities and writing prompts into your schedule.
Whether you are using these March Writing Prompts or other story starters, just make sure that your students know they should always keep on writing!
Until next time…
If you enjoyed these March Writing Prompts
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From the Archives—
When I revised this March post, the original content — some of which is below — got moved to this post of 92 Fun Character Questions for Students
Here is an excerpt from the….
(Formerly) March Writing Prompts List
These March writing prompts are all about short story ideas for young writers. Read on and check them out. We are sure you’ll love them!
- What does your character do all day? Does he or she have a job or go to school? What type of job does your character have—or what school subject does he or she enjoy most?
- What is your character’s favorite holiday? Why?
- What is your character’s favorite type of music? Why?
- How does your character sound when he or she laughs?
- Who is your character’s best friend? How did they meet? What do they do together?
- What is a typical outfit for your character? Are clothes important to him or her? Why or why not?
- Is your character an only child or does he or she have siblings? How does your character feel about this?
- Does your character have a pet? Why or why not? If so, what type of pet?
- What would your character do if he or she had an extra $100 per week?
- What is your character’s favorite color? Does he or she own many things in this color?
- What is your character’s greatest fear? How does this impact his or her life?
Ok, that’s all for this March Writing Prompts revised post. Enjoy and write on…