April Fools Day Writing Prompts and Journal Topics — This April holiday is a fun time for students, as they get an excuse to play practical jokes on one another and on family members all in the spirit of the holiday. Now, our list of April Fools Day writing prompts is filled with foolish things that are perfect for inspiring your students to write in class, at home, or anywhere. So get to it, take a look and enjoy.

A Fun, Creative Variety of Prompts for April Fool’s Day
Yes! With this list of April Fools Day writing prompts and journal ideas, would be jesters can reminisce about their favorite April Fool’s jokes and think about ideas for their latest pranks.
They’ll consider whether they prefer funny or scary jokes, while also thinking about how they feel when they get tricked by someone else.
It’s no joke – students can benefit immensely from daily journal writing, regardless of the journal topics they use to get inspired by.
Whether they’re writing responses to deep questions or imagining silly scenarios, journaling helps students to get their thoughts out on paper and to express themselves more clearly while they improve their writing skills. This skill can transition across all areas of their lives, as they get better at communicating their opinions and feelings to others.
Help your students get inspired this April Fool’s Day with these silly journal writing topics – just watch out that your classroom doesn’t team up to play a prank on you!
Ok, without further ado, let’s get to those April Fool’s Day writing prompts.
53 April Fools Day Writing Prompts
The creative writing prompts are a fun way for students to have some fun April Fool’s Day fun
- The best April Fool’s joke ever…
- Where do you get ideas for April Fool’s jokes?
- When someone played an April Fool’s joke on me, I felt…
- Have you ever played an April Fool’s joke on someone you shouldn’t have, like a teacher or neighbor?
- Do you tell other people about your April Fool’s jokes or keep them secret from everyone?
- Has anyone ever really tricked you with an April Fool’s joke?
- Do you have a hard time keeping a straight face while you play April Fool’s jokes?
- Why do we celebrate April Fool’s?
- If I could manage to pull it off on April Fool’s, I would…
- Should April Fool’s jokes be silly or scary?
- Are you good at thinking of April Fool’s jokes?
- Do you like to do practical jokes all year, or only on April Fool’s?
- I think pulling an April Fool’s joke on __________ would be hard because…
- April Fool’s is a good time to…
- How do you feel when you succeed at an April Fool’s joke?
- What makes a good April Fool’s joke?
- Who’s the best April Fool’s joker you know?
- The craziest thing I ever did on April fools was…
- Do you ever plan ahead for April Fool’s?
- What was the best April Fool’s joke you ever played?
- Do you ever forget that it’s April Fools?
- Who do you play April Fool’s jokes with?
- Do you fall for April Fool’s jokes even when you know it’s April Fool’s?
- Do you know anyone who doesn’t like April Fool’s?
- What’s the most elaborate April Fool’s joke you’ve ever seen succeed?
- Has anyone ever gotten mad when you played an April Fool’s joke?
- Do you play different April Fool’s jokes on everyone?
- Do you like big April Fool’s jokes or small ones?
- Are you extra cautious about what you do on April Fool’s?
- Do you remind people about April Fool’s or hope they forget?
- Do you team up with people for April Fool’s jokes?
- Do you keep track of your April Fool’s jokes so you don’t accidentally play them twice?
- Do you celebrate April Fool’s every year?
- Who do you like to trick with April Fool’s jokes?
- What is the worst April Fool’s joke ever?
- How do you feel when you mess up an April Fool’s joke before it’s finished?
- Do you ever think of April Fool’s jokes during the rest of the year and wish you could play them then?
- Have you ever been scared on April Fools?
- Why do you think people love April Fool’s so much?
- Have you ever seen someone play a really big April Fool’s joke?
- When did you start playing April Fool’s jokes?
- Do you think you’ll always celebrate April Fools?
- Do you ever try to make someone think it’s April Fool’s when it’s not?
- Do you tailor your April Fool’s jokes to the person?
- Have you ever scared someone with an April Fool’s joke?
- Do you have trick items or props for April Fool’s jokes?
- Did you ever try an April Fool’s joke that failed?
- Do you ever recycle your April Fool’s jokes and have someone fall for them again?
- What was the funniest April Fool’s joke you ever thought of?
- Do you fall for April Fool’s jokes easily?
- Have you ever been really surprised by an April Fool’s joke?
- Do you think April Fool’s is a real holiday?
- Does your family like April Fool’s jokes?
I hope you enjoyed this list of April Fools Day Writing Prompts! See below for more April writing prompts for more writing inspiration!
More Writing Prompts Lists
- 53 Earth Day Writing Prompts (April 22nd)
- 53 Spring Writing Prompts + 6 Bonus Spring Art Ideas for Teachers
- 30 Awesome April Writing Prompts
- 32 National Pet Day Writing Prompts (April 11th)
- 12 Funny Story Ideas
Until next time, write on…
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My poor brother! His birthday is April Fool’s Day, so he’s had an interesting life of prank-filled birthdays! Throw in the fact that his wife’s birthday is on Halloween, and life gets really silly! (“A Ghoul and a Fool!” as he says!)